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Being Overpowered is no fun

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I finally introduced my friends to the world of skyrim and they seem to be enjoying it quite a bit but when they pick up those bowls and plates with the intentions of selling them it annoys me to watch them play :L anywho one of my friends passed a comment on my current build(this is my third run of skyrim) "Sure its no fun if barely anything can kill you and you can destroy everything" what is everybody's opinion on this?

my first and second play through were just to get a feel for the game really, but this being my 3rd run I decided to take it seriously and I worked my ass off grinding and grinding up my skills, getting relevant perks e.t.c. and I finally made the best possible "legit" deadric armor I could possibly make with the enchantments that suit how I play free destruction spells damage boost to one-handed, two-handed and a little with the bow I have rings shields and necklaces for that situation where you need to resist magic,fire e.t.c. and I've played through the entire game on master difficulty I am now level 56 and literally nothing poses a challenge to me apart from the odd ancient dragon that gets the jump on me while I'm not wearing my armor(cicero's clothes/necklace of haggling/Volsung) and I was enjoying my run through the game because I had earned my power or rather "made" it, but my friends comment threw me off a lot and I'm not having as much fun as I was just slaughtering everything, I've tried playing on legendary but I haven't noticed much of a difference apart from being completely destroyed by most mages :L

The main thing is my playstyle essentially is take hits and hit hard I suck at sneaking(I just dont like it) and I barely touched off of conjuration alteration or ilusion and archery isnt as strong as I had hoped, and after what my friend said to me I feel like I'm playing the game wrong(well obviously theres no right way to play the game but I feel cheap all the same) and I'd like to get other people opinions that have in-depth knowledge/experience of the game because quite frankly my friends are noobs(disgusting word) so yeah please share your opinions with me guys I'd really appreciate it :)


I brake for blue butterflies
I flip flop all the time personally. My last build was a wood elf that barely quested and never crafted weapons. I played him till about lv25 till I got a hair across my butt to build my current Dark Elf Vampire Lord monstrosity. I'm already contemplating my next build which will be a squishy mage on expert.

I voted 'yes' because I feel we all deserve to make a mockery of draugr deathlords and dragon priests once in a while.


I flip flop all the time personally. My last build was a wood elf that barely quested and never crafted weapons. I played him till about lv25 till I got a hair across my butt to build my current Dark Elf Vampire Lord monstrosity. I'm already contemplating my next build which will be a squishy mage on expert.

Maybe I shouldn't get so hung up then :/ Thank you for your input :) I haven't really gotten into the whole vampire thing, not being able to go into a town because I need to feed annoyed me so I cured myself until I clear the game ^_^


I brake for blue butterflies
It's all a matter of preference really. A lot of people stay with one build for a lot longer than me and stick to some pretty strict rules. For every 3 or 4 builds that I have strict rules on (which vary), I tend to make 1 build that can one shot dragons from the sky by pushing the limits of the game. My current build is approaching this kind of power and will soon be retired.

Mr Forz

I'm helping. Mostly.
There is nothing wrong with being 'overpowered', as long as it's only in one or two categories. I do know I go too far when I excel in Destruction magic, got enough stamina and weapon damage to excel on close combat, tank like a boss and that I take absolutely no risks on nearly all encounters. It's mostly when I master Enchanting that such a thing happens.


It's all a matter of preference really. A lot of people stay with one build for a lot longer than me and stick to some pretty strict rules. For every 3 or 4 builds that I have strict rules on (which vary), I tend to make 1 build that can one shot dragons from the sky by pushing the limits of the game. My current build is approaching this kind of power and will soon be retired.

Well this run through for me is kind of an all-rounder, anti-dragon build sounds fun I might try that on my next run :3

There is nothing wrong with being 'overpowered', as long as it's only in one or two categories. I do know I go too far when I excel in Destruction magic, got enough stamina and weapon damage to excel on close combat, tank like a boss and that I take absolutely no risks on nearly all encounters. It's mostly when I master Enchanting that such a thing happens.

Yeah I think its the enchantments that are so powerful I mean deadric armor on its own is meh at best and with one enchantment is mediocre but with two enchantments I can 2HKO shadowmere on legendary which is a bit ridiculous :L


It's a big hammer.
The general response to this question is: it's your game, you play the way that makes you happy.

I, personally, don't like being overpowered. To me, being able to dominate everything in the game almost makes the whole thing a pointless endeavor. But like I said, everyone has their own flavor of play. I couldn't imagine playing a game where dead is dead. I couldn't imagine running around stealth sniping things with an arrow that does over 9000 damage. I'm content just limiting myself in certain ways so that I find the game fun. My current character wears iron armor and I'm tempted to make that a permanent thing for the duration of her tenure.


The general response to this question is: it's your game, you play the way that makes you happy.

I, personally, don't like being overpowered. To me, being able to dominate everything in the game almost makes the whole thing a pointless endeavor. But like I said, everyone has their own flavor of play. I couldn't imagine playing a game where dead is dead. I couldn't imagine running around stealth sniping things with an arrow that does over 9000 damage. I'm content just limiting myself in certain ways so that I find the game fun. My current character wears iron armor and I'm tempted to make that a permanent thing for the duration of her tenure.

I can't fault you on anything you said, when it comes down to it I'm an extremist by nature and I either go all out or nothing, and Skyrim isn't the kind of game that I would enjoy playing casually I guess :/


Well-Known Member
My second character I decided to put all her perks into smithing, enchanting and alchemy to see how overpowered she could get. The answer was very quickly. It was this character which made me decide to avoid being overpowered quickly. I was so bored.

Now I play on Master purely because I enjoy Skyrim a lot more when everything can kill you really easily so combat is more dangerous. I always make sure I can't take many hits, so I have to run around and use the terrain to avoid getting hit too often. Playing on Master always gives a lot more point to crafting as well.


I brake for blue butterflies
My second character I decided to put all her perks into smithing, enchanting and alchemy to see how overpowered she could get. The answer was very quickly. It was this character which made me decide to avoid being overpowered quickly. I was so bored.

Now I play on Master purely because I enjoy Skyrim a lot more when everything can kill you really easily so combat is more dangerous. I always make sure I can't take many hits, so I have to run around and use the terrain to avoid getting hit too often. Playing on Master always gives a lot more point to crafting as well.

One thing I do to keep myself from getting overpowered is to not dedicate any points to health as I level up. That way I'm always in danger if things get hairy.


One of my challenges with Skyrim is trying to keep the difficulty level such that I'm not getting killed by stupid stuff or OP NPCs while at the same time not becoming OP myself.

It is tough though to find the right balance.

Either you die to OP NPCs that are way out of whack from the vast majority of NPCs, or you gear well enough to survive those battles and make 95% of everything else in the game a joke.


Trans-Neptunian Object
I would guess that everybody has some personal threshold beyond which the character is so powerful that it's not much fun anymore, but that's going to vary quite a bit. For myself, I hate having to reload; it breaks immersion. I also don't much like it when the game is so hard that I have to be super-cautious about everything. The most reliable way I know of to deal with hard fights without having to reload a lot is to be a stealth archer, and I don't want all my characters to be stealth archers.

But I also don't like feeling that I've gotten my power in a manner that seems cheap. My highest level character is a sword-and-board tank. He wears stuff that he smithed and enchanted himself, and he didn't use any tricks to make it (no alchemy, no items to enhance his skills except for unique things like the notched pickaxe). He is at present very powerful, and it's been an awfully long time since a fight was difficult for him. But I feel that he earned that power; it wasn't always so easy.

So I guess that for me it's my sense of the overall progression that's important. Being overpowered is quite a lot of fun if you had to struggle realistically do get there.


It's a big hammer.
One of my challenges with Skyrim is trying to keep the difficulty level such that I'm not getting killed by stupid stuff or OP NPCs while at the same time not becoming OP myself.

It is tough though to find the right balance.

Either you die to OP NPCs that are way out of whack from the vast majority of NPCs, or you gear well enough to survive those battles and make 95% of everything else in the game a joke.

Bandit Leader is so much better than his Bandits. WHY?!

I am killing some of the bandits with just your first level fire shout. I walk into a room, hit one, they burn to death, and then the bandit leader hears only to come swinging some giant orcish weapon and kill me in two blows. I guess I know how he keeps his people in line. o_O


It all comes down to preferences, different players enjoy playing different ways. I personally consider any exploitation a form of cheating but by the same standard i don't agree with people who bash others for using them, it is a game after all and games are meant for entertainment, so long as your not doing it online i don't see what the big deal is. A friend of mine can only tolerate the game if he's using exploits, of course he has some serious anger issues but still. lol As for me i'll admit i have an unlimited health enchanted ring that a friend made for me on the game stored away in a chest, granted i never use it so its practically just a decoration but it still gives me a peace of mind knowing its there in case i ever get overly frustrated.


One thing I do to keep myself from getting overpowered is to not dedicate any points to health as I level up. That way I'm always in danger if things get hairy.

But my health
well no it's 400 but thats quite a bit or so me thinks

I personally consider any exploitation a form of cheating

When you say exploitation does this count? I enchanted normal clothes so they all had the enchantment can improve weapons and armor 25% as much, then used a blacksmith potion made my armor then used an enchanters elixir before enchanting my armor with grand soul gems putting two enchantments on everything :L I mean why are those elixirs in the game if not for that sole purpose you can't even make them yourself(or at least I don't think you can) so you have to buy them :3


One thing I do to keep myself from getting overpowered is to not dedicate any points to health as I level up. That way I'm always in danger if things get hairy.

But my health
well no it's 400 but thats quite a bit or so me thinks

I personally consider any exploitation a form of cheating

When you say exploitation does this count? I enchanted normal clothes so they all had the enchantment can improve weapons and armor 25% as much, then used a blacksmith potion made my armor then used an enchanters elixir before enchanting my armor with grand soul gems putting two enchantments on everything :L I mean why are those elixirs in the game if not for that sole purpose you can't even make them yourself(or at least I don't think you can) so you have to buy them :3
No, of course thats not an exploit, thats just a game mechanic, an exploited potion is when u loop fortify restoration potions over and over untill its in the billions numbers. But i have used the method at much lower numbers to enchant health on robes because they have no armor rating and i like wearing them, so i'll exploit enchant a little when i wanna wear robes just so everything won't kill me in 1 hit, then its the same as wearing daedric armor just wearing robes instead, that i do not consider cheating cuz u can still die very easily if u don't keep your head about u.


I will not tolerate failure...
One thing I do to keep myself from getting overpowered is to not dedicate any points to health as I level up. That way I'm always in danger if things get hairy.

But my health
well no it's 400 but thats quite a bit or so me thinks

I personally consider any exploitation a form of cheating
don't you ever want to have the feeling of being powerful? don't you want to be able to say to your enemy you are weak and I am strong? my Character is level 200 and has over 2000 Health but he limits himself to fighting melee first, then magic second, then thu'um third and then finnaly he turns into a vampire lord

When you say exploitation does this count? I enchanted normal clothes so they all had the enchantment can improve weapons and armor 25% as much, then used a blacksmith potion made my armor then used an enchanters elixir before enchanting my armor with grand soul gems putting two enchantments on everything :L I mean why are those elixirs in the game if not for that sole purpose you can't even make them yourself(or at least I don't think you can) so you have to buy them :3
No, of course thats not an exploit, thats just a game mechanic, an exploited potion is when u loop fortify restoration potions over and over untill its in the billions numbers. But i have used the method at much lower numbers to enchant health on robes because they have no armor rating and i like wearing them, so i'll exploit enchant a little when i wanna wear robes just so everything won't kill me in 1 hit, then its the same as wearing daedric armor just wearing robes instead, that i do not consider cheating cuz u can still die very easily if u don't keep your head about u.


I will not tolerate failure...
The general response to this question is: it's your game, you play the way that makes you happy.

I, personally, don't like being overpowered. To me, being able to dominate everything in the game almost makes the whole thing a pointless endeavor. But like I said, everyone has their own flavor of play. I couldn't imagine playing a game where dead is dead. I couldn't imagine running around stealth sniping things with an arrow that does over 9000 damage. I'm content just limiting myself in certain ways so that I find the game fun. My current character wears iron armor and I'm tempted to make that a permanent thing for the duration of her tenure.
I once had an extremely over powered VL mod, could 1 shot 10 Legendary Dragons in a 100 foot radius in 3 seconds, now i on the other hand like having the sense and feeling that i could vaporize the little bandits who act so tough on a whim but that mod was 2 overpowered even for me


My favourite way to play is when my Dragonborn is around level 20, I can kill most bandits in one hit, bears and sabre cats are tough fights that require well timed shield bashing, and anything above blood dragons are desperate fights for survival.

I find this is a good balance, but as some people have already said, the odd overpowered NPC can sort of spoil it. Most bandit chiefs can hit me once, and regardless of whether I blocked or not, the next swing initiates a killcam.

And don't even get me started on those damn mages...