Recent content by Brent Fischer

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  1. Brent Fischer

    I'm having trouble with Jiubs Opus...?

    I went through the entire soul cairn, following directions, and page 9 was missing. I rebooted the game and started from an earlier save (from before entering the soul cairn)...still missing. All of the discussions I can find pertaining to fixing missing pages involve console commands, which...
  2. Brent Fischer

    Hearthfire: It's a buggy, bug world.

    I do love the expansion of the role-play element. But I'm so frustrated with the glitches right now I've turned the Playstation off, and am watching TV (which I typically hate). Here are my biggest beefs: - Random unenchantment of enchanted weapons/apparel: stuff that I've enchanted. It was...
  3. Brent Fischer

    Dungeon Respawn

    No, you're not a fool -- at least, not any more than I am. I waited 30 days in-game (3rd Frostfall). Nothing had respawned. That is why I'm confused.
  4. Brent Fischer

    Dungeon Respawn

    Here's my issue: when a site is supposed to "respawn after 30 days in-game time", does that mean 30 days according to the Skyrim calendar, or according to the Gregorian calendar we use in the real world? For example, having just cleared Blackreach, should I wait until the 3rd of Frostfall to...
  5. Brent Fischer

    PS3 Spectacular Dancing Dead Dragon Glitch

    Alas, the dancing dead dragons continue to appear. *Sigh.*
  6. Brent Fischer

    Xbox 360 Stupid horse!

    Hey, I let Louis have the horse and I took the money; I have no idea why he's haunting me! When he first showed up in Whiterun, next to my (well-behaved) horse, it made me nervous -- the man's a known horse thief! (Oh, wait...that's ME that's the horse thief!)
  7. Brent Fischer

    PS3 Spectacular Dancing Dead Dragon Glitch

    Woot! My PS3 is downloading an update...maybe the dragons will behave the way they're supposed to, now! (Oh, behave!) Will keep you posted...
  8. Brent Fischer

    Xbox 360 Stupid horse!

    HALF of a Louis Letrush. Ggggh. Yecch. That's nasty. Hadn't thought about reverse-pickpocketing... maybe will give it a try! Should try the fire weapon, too, since I'm tired of the rousing chorus of "Need something?" I get from the hive whenever I pass. Out of curiosity, what do they say when...
  9. Brent Fischer

    PS3 Spectacular Dancing Dead Dragon Glitch

    Ah, Whiterun. Home of the ever-proliferating colony of Louis Letrushes, wise-ass guards who never recognize me, citizens who follow me into my home and refuse to leave... and a flopping limp rubbery dead dragon in the street, every single time I open a door (either the main gate or the door of a...
  10. Brent Fischer

    Xbox 360 Stupid horse!

    The Louises are now at NINE. They outnumber the other named NPCs in Whiterun! If only we could stick Whiterun guard uniforms on them -- we'd never hurt for manpower during dragon attacks!
  11. Brent Fischer

    Xbox 360 Stupid horse!

    More on the horse saga: I named the damn thing phooka, since it was generally unhelpful in its interactions, and I never knew what it would look like. The palomino was last seen running off into the woods, having been set on fire by a dragon (no body ever found); the black horse that showed up...
  12. Brent Fischer

    Xbox 360 Stupid horse!

    I'm playing on PS3, and I'm having serious issues with horses. Long story: I left my horse in Riften stable, where I had previously purchased the horse, so I could go exploring on foot (without the horse entering hopeless fights and dying). While out in the wilderness, I happened on a horse...