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    The OP3RaT0R

    Call me Op. Or Smooth.
    Hrolmir glanced at Elsa, who was standing near the bar, watching everyone around her. Something with her seemed off, so he decided to address her. "I sense a bit of unease in you. What is it? I saw that you fidgeted a little when Jensen mentioned the Jarl's stored-up coin. I suppose you'd like to get a little of that old bastard's money, and you think that you're evil for that, or that I and the others in here think so. If that's not the case, then correct me; but if it is, know this: you're not evil for that. That's the sign of virtue, if you ask me. A desire for money- any value, really. Provided that said value has been earned. You look strong and quick to me, like someone able to earn the value they desire. Most everyone in this room is strong and smart and ambitious."

    "We're not doing this because we feel bound by future generations, or some obligation, but because we want to. For ourselves. If we felt a duty to do this for our children's children, we would be just as well off not doing it, because either way we would have to sacrifice for something or someone else: either a prison owned by the Jarl, or one owned by our offspring. We may be giving up a little luxury for the moment, but this is not for any greater good. Jensen and I have spoken about this, and he is willing to see his fields burn if need be; but he isn't willing to destroy what he spent years building for any greater good, for there is no good greater than his own life."

    "To the point: you're going to have some of the Jarl's coin in your pocket by the end of this, rest assured - and there is no nobler goal for you to pursue. And when you get it, let no one take it away."


    IOK's Token Brit
    As Hrolmir addressed her Elsa bit back a gasp at how close to the truth his words were. Catching her lower lip between her teeth she looked down at her drink, gripping it tightly as he spoke. He claimed her love for money and wealth was not evil, and to an extent she supposed he was right. She had made a point never to steal from those who could not do without. It was cliche, but stealing from the rich had a kind of satisfaction stealing from those in need never offered. But at the end of the day she was still a thief.

    Looking up to Hrolmir she took a deep breath, her browed knitted in concern and concentration. "You claim it is not evil so long as it has been earned. Tell me. Does picking the locks and stealing the belongings of nobles and merchants count as "earning" my keep? I appreciate your concern but a thief is a thief. I know what I am, and I am not disillusioned and naive to think that when I die my soul will pass into Sovngarde. But...despite that...your cause is good and noble. You will need my skills, you need shadow and luck if you're to achieve what you wish." Taking a sip from her drink she laughed mirthlessly, "Perhaps my good deed here will earn my soul pardon." The words were intended to sound playful and insincere, but Hrolmir seemed to be able to stare into a man's soul and read his fears and hopes, it wouldn't surprise her if he picked up on the bitterness she tried to conceal through jokes and drink.

    The OP3RaT0R

    Call me Op. Or Smooth.
    Hrolmir sighed. "To put it bluntly, I don't consider the work one puts into stealing the same as earning. But I respect that it takes skill. Now maybe you want my cause to succeed so that the merchants you wish to steal from actually have some coin to be stolen, but if that's true, you can't possibly believe in this cause, because that would imply that you simply wish to take the Jarl's place as the one robbing people like Jensen. I do need your skills to make this work, and I will not turn you away solely on principle. But if I may appeal to your ability to reason, let me say that it is a contradiction for you to truly believe in this cause and yet remain a thief. If you believe that my cause is right, that is good, and to fight for it is a virtue. If you are ambitious, that is also good, but to honestly work, not steal, to fulfill your ambition is a virtue. If there is a contradiction within you that says that what I say is right, but what I say to do is wrong, then at least believe what I say; but you have the capacity to do what I say is right. You appear shrewd and clever - there's many a businessman who would appreciate these qualities. You are also strong and you know how not to be seen. At least put that to work for something other than theft." Hrolmir was saddened by the sight of this young woman who had such potential for good, and yet turned to theft for survival.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Elsa, so often used to relying on humour and wit, was at a loss, Hrolmir's words cutting through her jovial facade like a hot knife through butter. She was unable to meet his eyes, her fingers fidgeting in her lap as she desperately searched for the right words, the easy charming words to pass this off as nothing. But the words did not find her.

    Instead she pulled out from under her bodice the worn and tarnished amulet her father had given her. Rubbing the warm metal with her thumb she swallowed before speaking up. "I do this for my father. He would be ashamed to see what has become of me. But you have to understand, I was young and unprotected, stealing was all I could do to keep from starving." Her eyes finally looked to Hrolmir, not missing the way his gaze seemed express his sadness and pity for her. "As I got older I...being a thief is all I know. But...I want to be good. I think that's why I came. Did you know I saw the note on a fisherman's stall? I just saw it and thought that perhaps...perhaps this would be what I needed to do if I ever wanted to be fixed." Here words had been soft, easily missed over the happy roar of the people surrounding them. For the first time since she stumbled out of her house as a child she felt lost, hapless and unsure of who she was, who she wished to be. It used to be so easy. She was bad, but she was good at it. That had been all she needed. And then she saw the notice, she knew her father would have dropped everything to help reclaim his homeland. But he was gone, so she would do it instead. Surprised at how much she had shared Elsa ducked her head, a faint blush colouring her cheeks. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. That was, that was inappropriate, I overstepped a boundary."

    The OP3RaT0R

    Call me Op. Or Smooth.
    Elsa seemed apologetic after hearing Hrolmir's words. He didn't like to seem confrontational with decent folk, but he was dedicated to truth, and would make no apologies if he had spoken truthfully. In an effort to reassure the young Nord, he said, "I understand how a young girl might fall into the wrong path in life if it kept her fed. You may think that being a thief is all you know. But that can't be true, if you have a desire to turn around. Being a thief is just all you know how to do. With the right attitude, you can learn to do anything you want, and I think you have the right attitude."

    Hrolmir was glad at the thought that Elsa was willing to turn around, to start living a more honest life. It symbolized for him the start of a turning for the better in the world. "Don't be sorry, about what you said or where you are in your life. Recognizing the facts of reality is good first step for you to take, and you were born into a time notorious for corrupting men's potential."


    IOK's Token Brit
    Elsa nodded along with Hrolmir's words. She appreciated his honesty, and for some reason he seemed to belief she could atone for her past. It was refreshing to hear someone who thought she was more than just a pickpocket and burglar. Eyeing him closely she rubbed a hand over her face, blinking a little in an attempt to rid herself of the foggy feeling clouding her head.

    "You know Hrolmir, I like you. You speak plainly and truthfully. You should know I don't like very many people. You're different though." Taking a swig from her drink she shrugged a shoulder in thought. "Who knows, maybe after this you can help me sort myself out. Help make me a respectable member of society again." She had returned to her joking tone, her walls once more in place, letting the nord know that this conversation was over for now. She wasn't the type to open up to strangers, but something about Hrolmir said she could put her trust in him.

    blue 468

    Well-Known Member
    Arannir felt a little uneasy as Hrolmir talked to Elsa, they seemed to have forgotten that he was standing right there. Arannir cleared his throat not wanting to be rude "Um... If I may, I've been around a long time. More time perhaps that the two of you might not believe. Anyway, I understand where your coming from Elsa Just because I'm...was a Ranger doesn't mean I haven't down things to stay alive." Thinking about it Arannir remembered the day he escaped from that Thalmor prison. He had nothing and was half dead with Thalmor soldiers chasing him toward Skyrim. He still remembered the face of the child as he slew his father for a horse and some bread, Arannir never looked back always reassuring him self that he had no choice, but he knew that wasn't true. Arannir snapped out of his flashback hoping they didn't notice, taking a drink of wine he walked away awkwardly.