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I am trying to play "Good" but there are times I am tempted to steal something (my bad).

If you play a Thief = bad - but it sounds like a fun way to play.

What are you - or better put - what are you Trying to be?


Retired Moderator
I have like 2 neutral and 2 bad characters.

Be a bit of all to be honest. Kill some people, help some people, laugh at people, (then shoot an arrow in there knee). It's fun to do different things. :)


Active Member
no matter what i always end up being neutral or good. no matter how hard i try i cant stay evil. even though im the listener and in the thievs guild.i never steal anything i dont have to. or kill anyone i dont have too either. and im not a very smart assassin i always tell them who i am before they die.


Time Bandit
Does it matter in this game? I don't see any indicative moral compass in the game. If something shows as being able to steal you don't exactly lose 1 karma. Now on the other hand if you steal or do bad IN FRONT of someone then you gain a reputation. Otherwise it's almost non-existent.

However, I do play a good character first in pretty much every game I play.


Active Member
What is the best GOOD guild? I still have not joined any faction - yet.
companions are the fighter guild of skyrim. their based out of whiterun.


Male, 32 years old, Denver area, CO
I'm generally good, although I am a member of the DB and the thieves guild.
I always have to start with a "Hero-esque" character. It's always great to have the renown, but I think it makes me feel better when I play the evil character. When I'm evil...I'm evil...not much in between. I guess I just like to play both sides of the spectrum with little in between. That's why Skyrim is so hard to be wholly good because not all things you do have a "good" or "bad" decision...just gray-area consequences. I hated it at first, but I love it now...it's very challenging!


I live, I love, I slay, and I am content...
Conan is always neutral...

I know not, I care not....I live, I love, I slay...and I am content!


I'm like Mother Theresa. To the outside world I appear to be kind, benevolent and charitable but on the inside I'm rotten to my fetid, putrid core.
My character is a bounty hunter type and does some mercenary work too. I've changed sides mid fight because I've been offered a better deal, but haven't actually kill any civilians so to speak. That's why as much as the Dark Brotherhood missions would suit my character's profession, he sees the Brotherhood as a bunch of deviants who kill for kicks as much as for money. My character kills for money because he's good at it sorta thing, it's just a job.

Also will steal something if he feels his pay wasn't satisfactory etc but in general trades honestly.

Other than his professional he just kind of minds his own business. Modelled the character on a cross between Mad Max, Boba Fett and Spike from Cowboy Beebop.


SC2: DudeMan 346
I consider myself neutral but I can be swayed easily from one end of the spectrum to the other.


Hunting Mage
One good/honourable character (my Nord warrior) and a generally neutral/chaotic character (dark elf assassin).

The game should have a kind of karma system employed. The only issue I have with Skyrim is that you don't make choices during quests, you follow linear storylines. This means that negative or positive behaviour is insignificant and doesn't affect the standing of your character.


Thane of Winterhold & Windhelm, Harbinger
My Orc is moreless Lawful Neutral...where he can be persuaded to do good or bad but generally has a strict Morale Code of Honor that he follows.

My Assassin is Lawful Evil and kills if it serves her purpose.

My new character will be a Chaotic Neutral Mage which is generally how I play my characters. They can be good, they can be bad and I'm generally volatile and unpredictable.


"They Call Me, Dragonborn"
In this game, I just wish we had Karma...
but anyways, I am neutral. I haven't did that many crimes, if so most came from The Brotherhood quests.