If you could only make one character who would it be?

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Nords forever
I was thinking. If you guys and girls could only make one character who would it be? Backstory, name, build anything just let me know your all time favorite.


Well-Endowed Member
I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours :p


Nords forever
Haha ok mine would be a nord that uses heavy armor, two handed as well as one handed with a shield and can dual wield. I would do archery as well. He would be able to do restoration to heal himself. Basically a well rounded warrior. I havent decided a backstory or name yet.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It would have to be the Dovahkiin from the trailers. Nord, fairly muscular, combination of light and heavy armour, mostly using one handed and block, with a touch of archery and sneak, but also dabbling with restoration and the other magic schools less frequently.

In terms of backstory, he'd be the son of a Nord Great War veteran, who had settled in Bravil following the War. My character would have spent the first few years of adulthood working on the docks there until his father told him of his worsening illness and soon-to-come death. Left with no real family, considering the death of his mother when he was young, he took heed of his father's advice and headed up to Skyrim, to find his own adventures and see his homeland as a young Nord should.

^ This was made up on the spot, but I'll probably use it for real on my Dovahkiin of this type I already had planned :p


Looking for the Snitch in Skyrim...
I would somehow insert myself into the game. I would be my character. :cowboy:

On a serious note a Breton mage or a woodelf thief.


Well-Known Member
I'd try to make that character as similar-looking to the guy from the trailer/artwork/cover as possible.
I love my Redguard character, but for the atmosphere in a game where I couldn't change my character, I'd go with 'Lore' instead of canon. No clue about the background story though.


Farfetch'd is judging you!
If I could only have one character, it would probably be a Dunmer Telvanni wizard.
Because mages are awesome, and a Telvanni wizard offers really interesting rp choices.


It's a big hammer.
Proud Nord wearing heavy armor while using dual-wielding/two-handed swords with a liberal use of shouts. Trained as a smith so armor and weapons are forged by their hand. I would imagine armor-wise it would be something simple, maybe Banded Iron Armor. Weapon-wise I could imagine either Stahlrim or Dragonbone. I wish you could name non-enchanted weapons in the game, though. I don't know how you can't have a pair of Dragonbone swords named Dragonfang and Dragonclaw.


Well-Known Member
I'd play my Breton warrior. I've lost and remade her 4 times now I think, and always go down the same paths. Big on heavy armor, one-handed, and Restoration. I've made other characters too, but I'm always most comfortable playing her. She grew up in Skyrim with a Breton mom and Nord dad, so she feels right at home there. She's basically a short Nord! Ha!


My one-and-only would be Nikhaya, a Khajiit alchemist and fire mage. Also a pretty mean archer. Nikhaya is wild and impulsive. She loves to drink and cause mischief, has lost count of her many lovers, and enjoys nothing more than a dangerous hunt for treasure. Despite her rather hedonistic nature, Nikhaya is a warm-hearted, generous soul.

Nikhaya was born in Elsweyr to a nomadic tribe, where she was raised from birth to be a sort of shaman or healer, or medicine woman. After the death of her older sister Ayabhi, who had raised her in her deceased mother's stead, Nikhaya left Elsweyr in search of a new life. She spent many years in Cyrodiil (Cheydinhal in particular, as an alchemist's apprentice) before coming to Riften, where she unfortunately acquired a taste for skooma. An honest living as an alchemist doesn't buy much skooma, so she turned to thievery.

Two years later Nikhaya, now the Dragonborn (if a rather reluctant and cynical Dragonborn) has freed herself of her addiction and is no longer content with living in the shadows as a thief. She decides to start anew and leaves Riften for the College of Winterhold. Winterhold, she declares, is the dullest and most inhospitable place she has ever seen. But it is at the College that she meets Onmund, the serious young Nord mage who will become her constant companion and eventually the love of her life...

(Heh, sorry for backstorying you to death there...I'm writing a rather lengthy fanfic about Nikhaya so I've had lots of time to think on this :p)

I tell you what, though, I would seriously miss being able to play as a Nord. Skyrim is your home and her people are your kinsmen, and it's a unique experience from playing as any other race.

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
Den Moria - warrior/mage - high elf
former Thalmor Justiciar, now rogue.
To kill Elenwyn who ordered the death of his wife and children (in front of him no less!) for some minor infraction.
Discovers he's dragon-born by accident.
Deep, long-term plans to wipe out all Thalmor in Skyrim.


When in doubt, follow the fox.
My characters are always me. Skyrim is like my second life.

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
My characters are always me. Skyrim is like my second life.
WOW! If that's a picture of you, you must be awfully popular (and slightly frightening when you're on the bus!). :)

Alysa Roesch

Master Theif
I've done many play throughs and I always seem to come back to a thief/assassin like character so i'd probably have to choose that. I've always sucked at managing mage characters (even though i'm currently on a mage build).


Well-Known Member
Aaloura: Female Bosmer, stealth archer, also carries two daggers. Uses destruction and illusion magic, and limited restoration.

Primarily a treasure hunter, secondarily a thief. Not bloodthirsty but will kill without reluctance or remorse to achieve her goals.

A member of the TG for jobs and fences, but resents the structure (limited though it may be) and is without loyalty to them. Has Bosmer aliegences and safe houses throughout Tamriel, which are kept secret from her contemporaries and from each other.

Equal opportunity bed-hopper. Political plops-stirrer.