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Having not played the other TES Games would you have invested in Oblivion knowing its state.

  • No, 2007? Better technology at that time little to no excuse.

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Yes, I don't play for the artistic point.

    Votes: 14 87.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters



Since you want to fight I'll fight.
My stance is valid because it the game is a apeice of plops it might of opened doors but it does not tell a story.

ROLE-PLAYING GAME. Not Sandbox game. This game is telling STORY. You know what a story is right? You find them in books I think you should pick one up, I might give you and understanding of what one is I was not coming to play the game to bash heads in I want to be entertained by a story I could interact with. No I'm given a pile of plops with a decent story.

A STORY IS A PLOT INVOLVING CHARACTORS EXPLAINING THEIR PROBLEMS NO MATTER HOW LITTLE. The story is expressed poorly absolutely horribly. No effort. I say the the fan base is loyal like a dog on a leash egged on by promises of feast but tossed only the bone of left over ham. You are pathetic for standing by such a pile of plops and I pity you for holding such memories of a half-assed game, and pity you more for defending it.

Bethselda only further proves thier loyalty towards their fans by pushing out more games while ignoring the ps3 players having pushed out two more glitched games but still not resolved PS3.

You can post more I am done.


Formerly known as Arillious
Calm down dude. Everyone has different opinions.

Completely calm, and there's no doubt about that. I am just confused on a lot of his points, didn't mean to come off as blunt. Was trying to clarify.


New Member
I couldn't work out the basis of your complaint at all. The voice acting was terrible? Of course it was: it was voice acting in a computer game. These people have to 'act' by recording line after line in sequence, out of context, and they're expected to put convincing emotion and delivery into it? You could get, say, Patrick Stewart on board and you'd *still* end up with stilted, disjointed-sounding dialogue. Oh, hang on, though...

Its not his fault, and it's not really Bethesda's fault. It's just the nature of the beast, and honestly, Oblivion's a *lot* better than some. Even so, I usually switch voiceovers off automatically, and just use subtitles instead. I don't find that it detracts from the game significantly, and if the issue angered me as much as it seems to do you I'd say silence with subtitles was well worthwhile. Games are supposed to be fun. If they're causing you that kind of stress then they're not doing what they're supposed to do.

Lady Imp

Rabid Wolverine
Okay. I <3 Oblivion like you guys don't understand. Sure, the graphics aren't that great after Skyrim, but when I first picked up the game in 2009 I was like "ooooooohmygod this is sooooooo pretty!!" The whole open-world thing...still brings smiles to my face. I still run around taking screenshots of Cyrodiil cause I still find the art put in, the differing architectural styles of all the cities, the differences in the flora in the different areas, I still find it all to be just utterly amazing.

The quest plots....I found them to be better in Oblivion. You felt like you actually accomplished something. I felt like I had to be a decent fighter to advance in the Fighter's Guild, and I had to actually use magic to advance in the Mage's Guild. When I got into the Arcane University for the first time, I was so excited, for serious. The questlines in Skyrim...were a touch of a letdown. I hardly cast a spell for the College of Winterhold, I relied mostly on my hack-and-slash gameplay style. And the endings were, for the most part, anticlimactic. There was a lot of a "ok....now what?" feeling going on.

I will however agree with anyone dissing the voice acting. OMG, epic fail Bethesda. I remember before Skyrim came out, one general consensus players came up with involved "GET MORE VOICE ACTORS!!" and thankfully, they figured it out for Skyrim to a better extent. It's tough getting a different voice for every single NPC, but I think they did a much better job that time around.

I will recommend though, OP, if graphics aren't a game-breaker for you, play Morrowind. OMG I get giddy just thinking about it, and all I do in that game is run around collecting alchemy ingredients and fixing potions. I can do that crap for hours. Even if the graphics engine is so early 2000s.


Formerly known as Arillious

Since you want to fight I'll fight.

This isn't a fight, more of an argument/debate - escalate however you want.

My stance is valid because it the game is a apeice of pl*** it might of opened doors but it does not tell a story.

Everybody's opinions are valid, people may find them skewed due to their past experiences with games, like I am towards your opinion. My posts were just me trying to change your opinion, being the loyal Elder Scrolls fan that I am. As for Oblivion "opening doors but not telling a story." Myself and probably many others will disagree.

ROLE-PLAYING GAME. Not Sandbox game. This game is telling STORY. You know what a story is right?
I never said that Oblivion was a sandbox game, somebody else categorized it to prove a point. Yes, the game is telling a story, you seem to be contradicting yourself by saying this because in your first paragraph of rage you claim Oblivion does not tell a story. Yes, I do know what a story is.

You find them in books I think you should pick one up, I might give you and understanding of what one is
Stories are written in books, they are not found in books. One must write the story first, they do not magically appear in books. However in this day in technology many people may type stories on the computer as well, not all stories come from books. Yes, I do pick some books up and read them, I do have some understanding of what a story is.

I was not coming to play the game to bash heads in I want to be entertained by a story I could interact with. No I'm given a pile of pl*** with a decent story.
I'm sure you weren't coming to bash heads, and I'm sure you want to be entertained. Again, you are contradicting yourself again, because now you're saying it has a decent story, when before you plainly said it does not tell a story. [/quote]

A STORY IS A PLOT INVOLVING CHARACTORS EXPLAINING THEIR PROBLEMS NO MATTER HOW LITTLE. The story is expressed poorly absolutely horribly. No effort. I say the the fan base is loyal like a dog on a leash egged on by promises of feast but tossed only the bone of left over ham. You are pathetic for standing by such a pile of pl*** and I pity you for holding such memories of a half-assed game, and pity you more for defending it.

All of this seems to be written out of anger, and I do not appreciate the insults and bad manners.

Bethselda only further proves thier loyalty towards their fans by pushing out more games while ignoring the ps3 players having pushed out two more glitched games but still not resolved PS3.

I've heard about this and have no comment - for I have no knowledge and not experience about it.

Okay Hannah, obviously you are very new.

Welcome to the Skyrim Forums, where people post many things related to the Elder Scrolls series. A lot of people post threads of their opinions on different topics of different things. Other people respond to these threads and voice their opinions. This at times leads to argument AND debate. Bottom line is you can't get angry. I may have come off a little strong, but on any internet forums you need to voice your opinion and back it up with solid evidence, and make sure you don't have a blind spot somebody can easily go for that makes your whole post seem uneducated and not well-thought out.

These posts have some holes in them, and it is my job to show you them and force you to retaliate. There's no reason to get so angry. If you can't take the criticism and the debate, the internet in general is not for you.

Thanks for the debate, good thread, and I hope you learn something.


Dazed & Confused
I love Oblivion for the modability and freedom to just wander around and explore. That said, I agree about the voice acting. I especially can't stand Linda Carter. The others I find okay but overused. Nothing against her personally, but I just plain don't like Linda Carter in Oblivion or Skyrim.


Active Member
Oblivion was not the first Elder Scroll game that I played, but I only played Morrowind for maybe a month, at most. I was too young and couldn't truly focus and appreciate the game for what it was at the time, so I never felt anything towards it. Then the Xbox 360 came out, and with it Oblivion was one of the first games to debut on it. I remember seeing the screenshots of it in GameInformer and I simply couldn't believe a video game could look like that. At that point I was addicted. I NEEDED to get a 360...just so I could get this game with the amazing graphics that I saw in a magazine. I was in High School by that time and had really taken an interest in ancient civilizations/mythology/middle ages, and this game to me represented a chance to finally not just read about knights and magic and guilds but to actually play it and have so many options open to me. Prior to this I mainly only played sport games and RTS CPU games. I remember the first time I ripped the packaging off and tossed Oblivion in....and I've been an Elder Scroll addict ever since. I agree, the voice acting can get irritating, but to me its nowhere near bad enough to ruin the gaming experience and take away from all the amazing features that were included.


New Member
At year 2006 there werent iphone 5s or anything so adavanced yet, oblivion had the one of best graphics and voice acting, nowadays it is only preference if you like oblivion more than skyrim. I still play oblivion even i have skyrim, oblivion has much more to do and you must plan carefully to avoid glitches etc.


The Imperial Storm
Firstly, I want to say you have a right to your opinion and I respect it, but so do others so secondly to answer the thread; no, I don't. I enjoy the game very much.

The acting, honestly, isn't all that bad and neither are the graphics. I mean Sean Bean is very good in it! I have never put graphics in between what makes me play a game. It would just be ridiculous to do so because graphics do not make a game. If I had such a mindset, I would not have found any game enjoyable until at least 2008! :sadface:

I went from Skyrim to Oblivion, and then to Morrowind. And the only complaint I have for Oblivion is that I feel the Gates of Oblivion are a bit "easy", and for Morrowind I'm always missing—but that's how it is supposed to be because of your level.

Now, consider the size of the game. They had so much in it they couldn't make it look like other games that can be beaten in around 6-7 hours that looked "stunning". They had to conserve space for all the events, timers, characters, music, sound effects, graphics and all the small pieces that make the game what it is. Maybe if they had a powerful enough system back then (remember, this is a FULL year before the first Assassin's Creed game and the PS3) and larger, top quality discs and the game wasn't so massive, the game would have looked a lot better. But they didn't. They had to deal with current software, systems and discs with all their limitations. So for a game that has so much detail and richness to it, the game looks quiet beautiful for its time and has pretty good acting.

How did Skyrim (whose graphics, gameplay, and voice acting can be questioned) come after this? Had I played Oblivion I would have sent it back and told Skyrim to kiss my butt. SERIOUSLY.

Maybe Bethselda is full of writers whose artistic abilities peak at drawing stick figures. I state this because really.. Oblivion doesn't deserve the praise it got and still gets it is a sham.

It is a shame, really, you think so poorly of a company that has literally re-invited gaming and gaming standards when it comes to story and gameplay. It is also a shame that you would allow something as trivial as voice acting (which honestly wasn't that bad) and graphics ruin a game for you.

I would advice not spending any more of your time giving older games (before 2008) any chances too, because you won't be pleased with them it seems. Just a friendly suggestion, no harm intended. :)


Article Writer
I find this argument from the OP very...one sided. Every game and thing has pros and cons. Me personally, I believe that Oblivion was more rich in color in terms of forests. I could then easily say to refute that point, that the reason it is so colorful is because its further from the ice lands of Skyrim.


New Member
I think Ilrita is right to say that Bethesda have re-invented gaming. Looking back at my post above, while I stand by my feelings on voice-acting (it tends by nature to be a little clunky in games, however good the actor), I didn't really get across how highly I think of the Elder Scrolls series - at least from Morrowind, the first I played.

They are about the only company I know of who seem willing to allow gamers an imagination. They create an open world for us to approach as we will. They allow us to create the characters we want and develop them as we want. They put as much effort into the lore of the world as into its visual presentation - and both are stunning in their detail.

Morrowind and Oblivion were both masterpieces that pushed the limits of what games were at the times they were released, and both are seriously respectable even now. Skyrim is magnificent, and if Bethesda get the recognition they deserve for Skyrim, and are able to carry on and produce another game, I can only imagine its beauty.

Worlds that you can almost imagine genuinely living in. People, places, languages, cultures, religions. This is what gaming can and should be, in my eyes. Forget stuck-on-rails first-person shooters. Keep your Medals of Honor and your Calls of Duty. Give me freedom and openness.

Bethesda has done some fine work with at least these three games. Long may they continue.


You can't be an Elder Scrolls fan if you've only played and can appreciate Skyrim. That just means you're a Skyrim fanboy. Oblivion storyline wise and artistically is much better than Skyrim, the landscape in Skyrim is very mundane and boring comparably. Just how stupid and ignorant OP's post was got my blood boiling.


surprised people are still commenting, I've since played again enjoyed it, I was incrediably frustrated when I wrote this post. I don't think it'll be deleted but it'll be good reminder to not post on the forums when angry, and not give into bait to trolls.


Glad to hear that you gave it another chance. I agree about the posting when frustrated part, I was just frustrated. .