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    Ysarth the watcher

    High Elf of the Skyrim wilds
    Skyrim lies pregnant with the threat of civil war between the Empire and rebel Stormcloaks.

    Yet another, more clandestine danger awaits in the dark mulling its plans over and sharpening its claws that threatens to plunge Skyrim and ultimately Tamriel into pandemonium.
    Years have passed since the Dragonborn vanquished Alduin, the destroyer of worlds, and vanished himself, possibly emersing himself in the studies and arts of the Greybeards. With the quick learning of a threat in the darkest reaches of Skyrim, one of the former Blades members reaches out to any and all who would respond to aid their dwindling force in tracking down both the Dragonborn and destroying a necromancer that has relearnt of a magic used to bring dead dragons back to life.

    The cold province teeters on destruction as Alduin's return looms on the roiling clouds of fear.

    OOC: This is a Roleplay story with the following rules:

    -No overpowered characters, spells or weapons
    -You may use more than one character but only if you are capable. Two is the limit but three is a push as long as it authorised before the story begins
    -There may/most likely will be killing off of characters but this will be an agreed-upon decision prior to the event of the character being killed
    -No daedric artifacts. Dragonpriest masks are acceptable. We cannot have 6 Mehrune's razors insta-killing every enemy
    -Please keep obscene or otherwise-offensive language to a minimum (preferably not at all; a story does not need extreme expression of emotion to be good)
    -Creativity with armour and spells is encouraged
    -Please use this thread for actual in-game roleplaying
    -Have fun
    -Enjoy the story and give other players a chance to reply before posting again
    -Please use the OOC thread of the same name to discuss any issues or disagreements
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    Ysarth the watcher

    High Elf of the Skyrim wilds
    Ysarth had been listening to the gentle brushing of leaves and watching the laboured sways of the tall grass that surrounded him when his ears picked up on hasty footsteps up the road into the grasses. The man approached him without pause, and Ysarth could tell it was a man by the lacking gracefulness in the rhythm of his stride.
    Or was she just in a hurry?
    No, it was a male courier. The elf opened his eyes as the courier halted just before him to see a fatigued face. Ysarth greeted the man with a look of question.

    'For you. Not sure who it's from - innkeep from Ivarstead gave it to me to make certain it gets in your hands. Didn't bother asking who gave it to her.'
    The letter presented itself quite starkly in the man's palm outstretched to Ysarth. The elf looked over the front before taking it. It was addressed: The Watcher
    'Thank you.' Ysarth smiled, to which the courier excused himself without further speaking and hurried back onto the road and disappeared again. The old elf crinkled the letter as he opened and unfolded a very neat page that read:

    Dear colleague

    It has come to my attention that you happen to possess a set of skills which would be fitting for the task I have - one that would be in your best interests, perhaps.

    If you see a chance to engage such a transaction, please meet in The Winking Skeever and further regulations will be discussed from there.


    "Colleague." Ysarth repeated to himself in thought. The Thalmor perhaps, which made sense as to why to meet in the Winking Skeever - a bar in the city of the Thalmor's puppets. No, they would have made sure it was a royal order. It would have been a summons, not request - Ysarth doubted they knew that word. And they would not have sent it under the name of anonymous - they were too proud for that.
    Something else, or someone else was playing the game here, and it was not the regular small-time illegal taskmasters; Ysarth imagined those letters would be written a bit differently. Upon second regard, the elf imagined it was related to the civil war ready to burst and splash the blood of innocent men and women across the land. Ysarth grimaced - he did not want a part of that. But none of these thoughts dulled the intrigue of concluding the letter - he would ride for Solitude and amuse this request, after all, adventure paved the path of knowledge.

    Alla'Amir watched a young red-headed Imperial woman pass by as it exited the Bannered Mare and took the small pouch that was poorly concealed in her cloak pocket without her notice. It watched her walk away before glancing at the lumpy pouch and storing it under its studded armour, wisened with satisfaction. It remembered how it easy it was back home to pick pockets of rich people, but it was not as easy as this - all of the others were oblivious to the other forms of life arround them, save for those that stimulated their hormones, the Khajiit imagined, so sneaking sneaky paws into pockets was a quick business.
    But its concentration was not entirely volumised as it considered the letter - there was promise there, and it knew that - it spoke few languages but all others spoke one language: coin.
    A light drizzle crept in and droplets danced on the khajiit's whiskers and Alla'Amir flicked its ears to deter the irritation.

    'Rain is good for fur not so for this one's odour, yes?' It advised itself aloud. But it would make the journey as quick and soon as possible to the place named Solitude. It drew its light cloak around itself tightly before regarding the shut door of the tavern, bereft of any promise of seeing the other two of its kin, one which promised to be its guide. Yes, it liked that one. It liked its charity and selflessness, which meant less likely to be aware of this one's seedy habits.
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    Werewolf Queen of Skyrim
    Heading down the road out of Markarth is Kivuli, about to run an 'errand' in Solitude. She was wearing her usual replica of Nocturnal's hood and robes, footwraps, with her bow and arrows on her back n' her dagger strapped to her right thigh. She didn't get far though, before a Courier stopped her.

    "Sorry to interrupt, but I have something for ya."

    "Oh really now?" Kiv crosses her arms and looks the courier over. "What does this one have then?"

    "Just a letter. Not sure who from. I was given a huge bag of Septims to ensure it got to you."

    "Really now? Perhaps it is from Jarl Ulfric."
    Kiv extends a hand out for the letter, and when given it she places a small bag of septims in the Courier's hand as a tip. "Thank you for the delivery. Be safe now, bandits have been seen headed north towards Windhelm."

    "Thank you, m'lady." The courier scampers off, leaving Kiv to inspect her letter.

    Kiv opens it, expecting it to be orders from Ulfric, but instead she got this:

    Dear colleague

    It has come to my attention that you happen to possess a set of skills which would be fitting for the task I have - one that would be in your best interests, perhaps.

    If you see a chance to engage such a transaction, please meet in The Winking Skeever and further regulations will be discussed from there.


    What the heck does this Anonymous want with this one? And why call her 'colleague'? Kiv ponders, before shrugging. Might as well see what this was about. She did have a mission in Solitude anyways, so it wouldn't be too far out of her way.


    Meanwhile, Lazgl is with Alla'Amir, having already agreed to escort him to Solitude. Until a courier stops the two's travelling.

    "Excuse me, but I have something to deliver to a 'Lazgl gra-Narzulbur'."

    "Uhm, that's me."
    Lazgl squeaks out, looking confused. "W-what is it?"

    "A letter, not sure who from. Paid quite a lot to make sure it got to you." He hands her the letter, and as her custom she hands him a small bag of septims as a tip.

    "T-thank you? Take care now."
    Lazgl stares down at the sealed letter, noting the seal looked identical to the one that'd been on the letter Alla'Amir showed her. She pops it open, and gives said Khajiit a confused look after reading it. "Same one you got."
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    Casamir Arcole stepped out of the room full of cheering onlookers. He was shirtless and barefoot, covered in blood and sweat that was only mostly his own. he placed the pouch full of his winnings on a table, leaned against it, and began taking the bloodied wraps off his hands. His eye was swollen and had a large gash over it. He closed his eyes, and with a grimace the gash closed up and the swelling shrunk away. A man shoving his way through the crowd in the next room over caught his attention. The man fought his way into the room and held up a letter.
    "You're a difficult man to find."
    "Sorry for the inconvenience. Who's this from?" He asked, taking the letter.
    "They didn't give a name."
    Casamir thanked him and handed him a couple Septims out of the pouch on the table. He opened the letter and rubbed the back of his neck as he skimmed it. The invitation aroused his curiosity, and he couldn't say he had an excuse to not humor it. A mysterious adventure sounded more interesting than scraping together a living in fight clubs. Pulling a shirt on and grabbing his winnings, he walked out the door.


    New Member
    The twang of Emirc's long bow was one of the only things audible in the fog covered forests of Falkreath, the unsuspecting deer that was to be his dinner oblivious to his presence. But just as the arrow approached it's target the deer bounded away as if some sixth sense had warned it of it impending doom.
    As he approached the city gates, his head hung low with an unsuccessful hunt, one of the guards stepped forward. His thick Nordic accent making it difficult for Emric to understand.
    "Hail! Hunter! I've a letter for you." yelled the guad as he extended his hand with the letter.
    Curious Emric thought who could it be from, he certainly didn't have many friends in Skyrim.
    "Hmm, thank you" Emric muttered snatching the letter from the guard before walking off into the city without looking up. He opened the letter and read through it quickly,
    Dear colleague

    It has come to my attention that you happen to possess a set of skills which would be fitting for the task I have - one that would be in your best interests, perhaps.

    If you see a chance to engage such a transaction, please meet in The Winking Skeever and further regulations will be discussed from there.


    Curious Emric thought as he finished the letter, before walking into a guard, almost knocking himself to the floor. "Well, i've no luck hunting in these god's forsaken woods, so I guess i'm off to Solitude." Emric said half to himself and half to the guard he had just walked into before walking off towards the stable to prepare his horse for travel.

    Ysarth the watcher

    High Elf of the Skyrim wilds
    His white mare whinnied as Ysarth stroked her flank:
    'There; you're safe now. I am sorry I pressed you so hard through the snow.'
    The elf brushed aside his snow-blonde hair that blew lazily in the mountain draft and settled his helm under his arm before patting the fatigued horse beside him on her neck. They were both tired: pressed from a hard ride through snow that was thicker than usual and for once, Ysarth was slightly stiff in his legs, warning him of his lazy lifestyle that he had come to enjoy for too long - extended naps in the woods and reading for long hours sometimes days. He had hardly ridden in the past few months, and now he was paying the price.
    Nevertheless, he felt accomplished, having reached the citadel and its high walls and parapets. Ysarth exhaled sharply - he considered the impending danger of riding across the land to meet a stranger on a whim and promise, but there was promise - of him being needed. That was, after all, what he wanted. After being raised in the wild amongst wolves and bears and seeking the need to fulfill the empty niche of warrior, life became dreary and boring. There was always the magic in nature that he caressed so close to his heart but that had been lost, not entirely though, when the dragons came - enticed by the arrival of a Dragonborn.
    Now there was a title he could relate to. Human yet twisted by the unruly powers of the earth and belched into a legendary fate. But the elf's fate was not legendary; not really anyway. A curse was hardly the stuff of stories and songs sung in taverns.

    'That's far enough, elf. City is closed until further notice. Unless you are here on Thalmor business?'
    Ysarth had been deep in thought climbing the path to the outer gate and almost walked straight into the guard. The elf regarded the man - Nord accent and uncertainty lingered somewhere in the background. He decided to play on it:
    'Is that by order or is it because of the pointy ears?'
    'Eh?' The guard responded, indicated clearly that his intellect did not exceed much more than the ability to swing a sword, Ysarth thought. The elf asked plainly this time:
    'Why is the city closed?'
    'There's been a lot of trouble lately - Stormcloak spies and the like. You're not one of those are you?'
    Ysarth almost answered 'yes' just to see the outcome, but instead, shook his head and decided a more truthful answer would be the best bet in this situation:
    'I received a letter inviting me to meet with an unknown person in The Winking Skeever, thus, here I am.'
    A long silence ensued as the guard regarded the answer before turning around and going through the guard's waygate after asking Ysarth to wait where he was.
    Patience. Waiting and observing was Ysarth's speciality, but awaiting the outcome of an indecisive guard on allowing a visitor in was annoying. At least he was asking a superior, Ysarth regarded. Or he hoped the guard was.
    Not long after Ysarth had begun moving around and looking at the small shrubs outside the gate and humming a song to himself did the guard return followed by General Tullius, a man whose stature proceeded him.

    'What seems to be the problem here, citizen?' The general seemed indifferent to Ysarth's appearance - the elf appreciated that.
    Instead of repeating what he had said to the guard, Ysarth produced the letter he was given and handed to the man before him in his Imperial officer armour.
    General Tullius rubbed his chin whilst reading the letter before agreeing:
    'Ah yes. Of course.' The General turned to his inferior, looking tired and agitated and ordered him to escort Ysarth to the tavern and take him to the innkeeper. 'I apologise for the inconvenience.'
    Ysarth nodded in recognition and followed the guard into the citadel: it was quieter than when he was last here. There were less people about and it was early morning.
    'What happened about the spies' Ysarth inquired, more interested about the extra tid-bit about the lack of roaming citzens the guard would feel necessary to share.
    'Executed. Stormcloaks have been harassing the townsfolk for quite a time now. Even had a murder here a week ago; Stormcloaks butchered the outergate guard and killed another as they entered the city. Didn't get far though before archers put them down.'
    Ysarth hummed in agreement. They finally reached the warmth of the inn and the invasive, stagnant odour of mead and made there way towards the innkeep.
    'What can I do for you fellas?'
    'Elf here has an invitation to meet someone here. Know anything about that?'
    The innkeeper frowned: 'No, nothing at all. Wait, let me check my books for renting.' Ysarth watched the guard eye him out and then turn to the young Nord innkeeper who retrieved a leather-bound ledger and opened it up on the bar counter. Ysarth recalled hearing the song of the Dragonborn being sung as he entered the tavern, but now, a silence enveloped them.
    'There was a room paid for in full for two days, and it's not really a room we rent out for patrons. It does not even retiring facilities.' The young man nodded at the guard beside Ysarth: 'It's fine, Haemyr, you can leave him with me.'
    The guard eyed Ysarth again before taking his leave and the bustling of the inn picked up again with it.
    The innkeep beckoned to the elf and Ysarth shifted uneasily before making his way behind the counter and through a hidden door the innkeeper had revealed and passed through. The two descended a short flight of stairs into a room lit by a few smokeless torches. There were benches: five in all, decorated with the messy mosses of melted candlewax. Ysarth continued to the centre of the room: it was devoid of life.

    'Can I get you anything?'
    "Fruitless" Ysarth thought in dismay at the fact that he may have come here for nothing. 'No. No, thank you.' The elf finally answered. 'I'll be alright here, waiting for my host.' He gave an uneasy smile.
    'Alright,' The innkeeper smiled in the same fashion. 'I'll be right up here if you do.' And he ascended the stairs before Ysarth could thank him.
    The elf looked about the room - no paintings or any evidence of what the room was used for. He finally seated himself after a while of staring into the nothingness and waited, humming to himself the Song of the Dragonborn.

    Alla'Amir looked at Lazgl, holding the letter in her paw. It liked this other one, but only enough to know it needed the other for travelling and company, it imagined.
    'This one is getting cold. It would like to make for the stables to shelter it from the rain. This other one will accompany it, yes?'
    The khajiit eyed its female companion, wary of the strange feeling of uncertainty that had now plagued its senses. "Too casual, this other one." It thought, yet is shrugged the warning dismissively: this was one of the smaller chances it would take.


    Werewolf Queen of Skyrim
    Kivuli was soon at the Solitude docks, hiding her beloved demon steed Shadowmere in a particularly planty area. She knew of a secret entrance up a tower, located near the arching stone bridge under the natural bridge Solitude rested on. Luckily most Nord guards were dumber than a sack of turnips, making it all too easy for her to sneak into and up that tower. She exits it at it's entrance into Solitude and nonchalantly walks over to the Winking Skeever. Once done there, she would fulfill her main mission here. Upon entering the tavern, she notices a High Elf loitering around near the innkeeper. She narrows her eyes slightly, showing obvious displeasure. By Hircine, Galmar was right. Thalmor spies are everwhere! Kiv growls to herself while sitting down at the stool by the Innkeeper's bar and orders a few spiced wines n' some potato soup.


    "Of course. I made a promise, didn't I?" Lazgl replies with a shrug before following Alla'Amir to the stables. "Though I don't have enough money to hire a horse."
    Casamir was surprised at the diverse patrons of the Winking Skeever, noticing an Altmer and a What looked like a half-argonian khajiit at the bar. He approached the innkeep and produced his letter. The bartender led him toward a back room. He entered to find only one occupant. He regarded the High Elf with a questioning glance and held up his letter. The elf shrugged and held up his own. Casamir approached him and made to shake his hand.
    "I'm Casamir. I assume you know about as much about this as I do?"


    New Member
    After a few days travel Emric finally arrived at the capital of Skyrim, more than a little exhausted from pushing his horse as well as himself hard to arrive in a timely fashion. Emric had been in Skyrim for a couple weeks and hadn't come across a single job suitable for his skill set, most nobles and merchants wanted someone big and strong. A Nord he thought as he dismounted his horse, the cool breeze coming from the sea of ghosts sent shivers down his spine.
    Leaving his horse at the stables Emric shouldered his bow and quiver and set off towards the cities main gates, looking down to make sure that his sword was still by his side, "Hopefully I don't need it." he said quietly enough for the wind to snatch any sound he could have made.
    "Halt! Cities closed in till further notice. State your business or be on your way." One of the guards said as Emric approached, the wolf of Solitude visible on the guards shield.
    "Um..well, I've a letter from...someone?" Emric stammered realizing he did not even know who he was supposed to meet.
    The guard becoming annoyed, "Well this "Someone" should have told you that the cities closed."
    "Well, actually I have this!" Emric almost shouted as he remembered that he had received a letter. He held it out and as the guard read it he grunted, before saying "Another one huh? Well be off with you then, to the tavern and no where else!"
    Emric wanting to be away from the guards quickly obliged and half ran half walked into the city. He had never been to Solitude but didn't expect the city to be quite so empty. Must be the war he thought as he quickly located the sign to the WInking Skeever and quickly entered. The inn just like the city was sparsely populated, though it looked as if most of the cities inhabitants were currently in the inn, the Inn keep hurriedly approached Emric,
    "Want can I do for you? A room perhaps? Some ale to stave of the chill?"
    Emric caught of balance at the inn keeps up front attitude gathered himself and replied,"Umm...No thanks, I'm actually here on business." he finished handing over his letter. The inn keep quickly scanned it over giving a face that led Emric to believe he was not the only one with such a letter.
    "Okay, follow me if you would." he said before walking off, Emric having to hurry to catch up. The two walked down a flight of stairs into a room lit by a few torches with a few benches. There were currently two other occupants of the room, a tall High Elf with snow white hair and what looked to be a Imperial or perhaps a breton who looked like he could be trouble. Emric trying his best to act or at least look confident spoke up, "Umm..Hi my names Emric Greenham, I hope you two are here for the same reason as I." He finished holding up his letter.


    Werewolf Queen of Skyrim
    Kiv follows Casamir and Emric, feeling a little safer with them in the room with her with this Altmer in their midst. Though she keeps her distance as much as possible. "Greetings. You are here for the same reason as this one, yes?"

    Viarco Strong-Head

    By Azura, By Azura, By AzuUURUURAUURAARA
    The thief fell to the ground with a crash, upon being hit with the hilt of Viarco's blade. The Nord had taken a job in Riften concerning a thief; however, he seemed to be separate from the Thieves' Guild, due to the fact he seemed to beat the daylights out of all his marks. He had been given a general description of the man, and upon finding him at the decks he wasted no time in incapacitating the man before he could take off to run.

    "Wh...who are you?" the middle-aged, skinny Breton asked Viarco as he massaged the bridge of his nose, where Viarco's hilt had made contact.

    "Just a man, sent by another man, to stop you from robbing and hurting any more people in the city. I don't want to kill you, but I've been sanctioned by the Riften guard to use whatever mea--"

    A courier had been walking down to the decks at that point, and it looked like he was about to say something until he saw Viarco standing over the thief, sword drawn. Eyes widened, he cautiously walked up to Viarco, a note in his hands. "Sorry to...uhh...interrupt," the courier awkwardly muttered before hurriedly walking back off the decks after handing Viarco the note.

    "Just get out of town. And if you start causing trouble again, I will hear about it. And I will not be so lenient as to let you go as I am now. Understand?"

    Nodding frantically, the Breton got to his feet and made for the doors to the city. Viarco sheathed his sword, impressed with how he seemed to be able to intimidate the man so easily, and looked at the note.

    Dear colleague,

    It has come to my attention that you happen to possess a set of skills which would be fitting for the task I have - one that would be in your best interests, perhaps.

    If you see a chance to engage such a transaction, please meet in The Winking Skeever and further regulations will be discussed from there.


    Sighing in exasperation, Viarco went against his better judgement and decided to head for Solitude.
    Guess I'm not getting that gold JUST yet, he thought to himself, saddling up on his horse and riding for Solitude.


    Upon arrival, he was met with two guards blocking the way into the city. "Halt, citizen! City's closed until further notice, so unless you're on official Imperial business, please be on your way."

    With a curse under his breath, Viarco tried explaining. "I had received a note instructing me to meet at the Winking Skeever. Is that some kind of business you know of, at least?"

    Although a bit harsh about it, the guard did seem to know. "Ah. Yes. Popular place, it seems. Go on in, but don't do anything beyond what you have to." Nodding in agreement to do so, Viarco headed on in to the city and to the Winking Skeever.

    After ordering a bottle of mead, as well as a bowl of potato soup to tide him over for the moment, the barkeep took him into a room where four others stood. It was quite the interesting cast of characters, as well as one Viarco wanted to tread carefully around.

    "Hail," he said briefly, nodding to the other occupants, and sat down at a small table to begin digging into his soup.


    Hlíf 'Ulfr

    Nothing but a lyre
    Staff member
    Her eyes swam with a feverish light, her fingers attached firmly to the plume that danced ever fluid across the crips vanilla pages. Here she had settled, amongst her belonging and a ring of books both titled and of her own make, stacked and strewn about in some undetectable form of organized chaos. It had been two days, or perhaps it was three since the pouch of coins had spilled forth on to the polished wood on which the taverns owner leaned and she had staked claim to a room and begun her work. The pages before her, the book snuggly tucked against the sleeve of her left arm, were the culmination of her month long journey and since arriving had stolen all her attention. It had made others weary, it was no secret, that one should sit for days without rising to take of food nor drink but she cared little. Her records, illustrations, and field journals were almost ready for the journey back to Winterhold and she would finish them yet within the day.

    It was upon this scene that the courier would enter with muddy boots and a nervous stance in her doorway. She had left the dooropen as proof that no experimentation was taking place and so the imperial had no need to nock and had given her no need to rise. This was not to say that she had not heard him but rather that she was bothered very little by it, the current sentence demanding her full focus. It was her way and if it was little more than curiosity he would come though the warmth of the fire must have called to him to turn back as he faced the cold eyes of the Breton.

    "Come," she sighed, letting her plume rest and her back touch the carved surface of the chair. "I will hear you, and take that letter. Assuming the paper that you have been fiddling with incessantly Is why you are here, Courier."

    He had not told the woman his profession nor did he need to though he seemed surprised at her words. His outstretched hand was all the reply she needed and meeting his over the books below she took the Manila envelope into her own possession.

    "Stay please," she indicated to him as she noted the state of the paper. "I may have some queries to make of you."

    It is dry at least, no water stains. She nodded absent-mindedly, pleased by this at least. She was not unfamiliar with such official letters as these and took in the details quickly before procuring a knife specifically designed for this exact action. Slipping it under the edges she watched as the wax bulged against the side of the blade then gave away, crumbling and tumbling to the table in variously sized chunks. The paper itself matched the quality of its housing and was brought forth easily to rest in the slender hand. By the weight, she could have predicted the single page, though it was not the norm. Preparing to reveal its contents her eyes jumped to the man catching his own brown gaze. Throwing him an intimidating and a rather aggressive look he realized his mistake and began taking a few steps back, muttering many apologies. Now she was free to open it.

    Dear colleague,

    It has come to my attention that you happen to possess a set of skills which would be fitting for the task I have - one that would be in your best interests, perhaps.

    If you see a chance to engage such a transaction, please meet in The Winking Skeever and further regulations will be discussed from there.


    Business, this confirmed it. Yet another call to work. She had expected to be flooded with requests in due time however this was slightly sooner than she expected. Having just finished her approximate days, which were as exact an approximation as always it irked her, more so even than the vagueness. The latter, however, made her more uneasy. It seemed much to unprofessional and all too much like a trap, though she shouldn’t blame others for lacking to live up to her own high held standards of detail. Never the less she had received less credible calls with ample educational or monetary reward and if it was to be a trap she would hopefully make up for the time wasted via the belongings of the sender, stripped from his still warm corpse.

    Decided she lifted her eyes and inhaled sharply, preparing to give orders. It was a shame that this courier was unfamiliar with her ways, it would have been much more efficient that way. Though Skyrim was not always the place for efficiency.

    "Now, I'm assuming by the anonymous that you took no initiative to identify the sender." She raised a dainty finger to halt the words that began to leave his mouth. "One moment if you will, I have a few instructions for you and would prefer them to be addressed promptly. Worry not, you will be tipped well and will be compensated for your time. This should even be a rather enjoyable experience for you. The sender matters not to you, though if you have any information I will expect that post instructions. See here boy, you will wait for me this night. I have another delivery for you, though I will need the time to finish my scrawling and to prepare the package for travel. I will provide food and coin for lodging along with all the extra expenses. I expect you to hire a mercenary or two along with a carriage. The delivery will be given to a teacher at the college of Winterhold, none of those bloody students. They are apt to lose things of importance. If it arrives safely we will have no issue you and me, if not I WILL right that wrong, however, I see fit."

    "Ah, well of course ma'am." The fire in her palm flickered, the letter having been tucked away into the folds of her robes during her speech. "That will do just fine."

    His eyes never left the flames as he departed. Fear she thought as she watched him I can work with that. The night continued accordingly from there, with the Breton feeding both herself and the courier and ensuring all payments were made and the package prepared. She found even the time for rest, finally escaping into the sightlessness of sleep.

    The morning, just as the night followed exactly as it should. Even the journey was rather pleasant and took little toll on the cremello mare and her exalted rider having been already near to the city itself. Trouble would not come until they reached the city itself...

    "Closed?" She snarled angrily at the Nord before her, her face growing all the more poisonous by the second and she began; "HERE ME WELL, FOR I WILL NOT BE REPEATING MYSELF."

    Nords. Her eyes were certainly aflame, and her palm began to tingle with magic. If they could wrench their heads out of their hind ends long enough to understand magic perhaps they would change their views, but no. She could only assume that if not for official business it was simply the prejudice against the mages that was so widespread amongst them. It boiled her blood. To add insult to injury the man seemed so confident in his capability to bar her way. She could destroy the gates in front of which they stood with a simple spell or at the very least let forth a torrent of flames that would consume both of the men and eat away at the wood... it would be so easy. Once more she felt her hand tingle...

    "If you are the cause of my tardiness I will have your head." She hissed as she thrust her hand against his chest, the letter tucked securely underneath it.

    She held this position until the guard lifted a hesitant finger to the paper. only when he slid it from under her hand did she lean back. Go back to your college now girl. His words played through her head as she waited, angered.

    "Oh, this is not the first time I have seen one of these today." He drawled in his thick accent "You can come in, I will lead the way."

    She tried to protest, of course, indicating that she had visited the area on numerous occasions unharassed in the past. It fell on deaf ears however and shortly she settled on not wasting words on the oaf. Instead, she set her eyes to roam the city and its occupants. So little had changed, yet so much. The stress, the tense aura in the air had begun to suffocate many, she could see. It would not be long until something had to be done. She sighed, dipping through the doorway of the tavern and waving her escort off, thanking him. She would be proper in manners if nothing else.

    She was not done with her thanks and it seemed that the situation she had just escaped had fallen on her again. One more man leading her through yet another door. No matter, at least the contents of this room held some interest for her. Settling in the doorway she chose to watch the individuals, making observations and watching them interact naturally without her interference. She would wait to be noticed, or leave off. If not one of them could identify her shapely form at the door they were no company that she wanted.

    Ysarth the watcher

    High Elf of the Skyrim wilds
    He had been thinking about something entirely different from his immediate situation - crossing between the broken array of momentary memories of childhood and the experiences of maturing in the wild, when the Imperial entered the silent room. Although, Ysarth noticed he walked and spoke in ways similar to a Breton.
    'I'm Casamir. I assume you know about as much about this as I do?'
    The high elf regarded the man before him - rough yet grounded in a way that made Ysarth think that the Imperial often acquired what he wanted from raw might and willpower - something the Watcher could relate to.
    He extended a gloved hand: '
    Ysarth Wildborn. And yes, it seems, as uncertainty plagues us both, and well...' Ysarth looked about the room: 'The stench of failed expectation.' To which he smiled.
    Soon after his reflection of his own emotions, a noticeably shorter Breton entered the room led by the innkeeper and followed closely by a Khajiiti-Argonian hybrid, judging by the tusks and horns. Ysarth's anticipation for a much greater journey than what was being mentioned sparked his imagination and just when he thought that this was the entirety of a party of misfits, he was proven wrong by a hunter also making his way to the centre of the room with a presence-commanding
    'Hail!' followed not long after by a female mage.
    Having being left alone in a room for such a time with little expectation of the sender of the letter ever arriving had kept Ysarth complacant, but now, an influx of men and -mer of sorts washed into the room and the high elf felt like the victim of one sucked into a twilight zone.
    He immediately drew towards the hunter covered with a hooded cloak whom had entered with such a confident greeting, knowing full-well the keen eyes of a hunter would reflect well on observing all of the occupants of the room:

    'Busy now, is it not?'
    Ysarth smiled: perhaps the situation was not as fruitless as it had first appeared.

    The mangy Khajiit retrieved the recently-acquired pouch of septims from its hiding place under its armour and presented it to the other with a grin.
    'This one has already seen to that.'
    Alla'Amir then led the other named Lazgl through the dampened pathways of Whiterun, out of the city and to the stables where both came across a weary stablekeeper. Alla'Amir mangled a deal with the fatigued man and soon both Khajiits had made their way to Solitude.
    'City is closed; now off with you two - we don't want thieves here! Jails are already filled to the brim with Stormcloaks.'
    Alla'Amir sighed in irritation before remembering the letter, to which it produced the crumpled note to the guard before him and looked at the other Khajiit with a satisfied grin.
    'Ah! Another one of these damned letters. Seems like any fool with a letter can ignore city rules. Fine. But don't think you're not getting an escort.'
    The nord guard led both Khajiits along the city pathway to the Winking Skeever wherein he found the innkeeper and was releived.
    'Bad duty that one received this morning, yes?' Alla'Amir commented to the young innkeeper, the latter answering with a dismissive shake of his head.
    A room filled with races of all types caught Alla'Amir off-guard as it reached the last step. Some the khajiit could not name and others it could not see properly. The room smelt of stagnation and Alla'Amir slid into the room unnoticed, its female companion in tow, aiming to remain undetected to gain an advantage of observing first before it plunged itself into conversation it might find challenging to keep running.
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    Viarco Strong-Head

    By Azura, By Azura, By AzuUURUURAUURAARA
    Regarding the Altmer that had spoken to him, Viarco took a better look at the occupants in the room, a Breton who looked like a mage of some kind having joined them.

    "Aye," Viarco said with a half-hearted chuckle. "Interesting cast of people, too. I didn't even know Khajiit CAME with horns," making sure to lower his voice for the attempt at humor, before going for another bit of his soup. He didn't expect a High Elf to approach a Nord like him in such a conversational manner, and the fact that this one did put him on even more of an edge than he was on when he came in.


    New Member
    Emric quickly put his letter down as he noticed that just behind himself was another individual, just as strange as the two already present. As quickly as he could Emric moved deeper into the room just as a few more individuals entered, each looking more and more dangerous. After a few moments Emric noticed the first two individuals that he had noticed upon entering the room, the elf and the half breton making conversation. Deciding that those two looked the most safe... or at least the elf did Emric thought as he walked over his hand resting lightly on the pommel of his sword.

    As he walked over the same recurring thought that had been nagging him since he had arrived in Skyrim once again resurfaced,"why do potential employers always go for the dangerous looking people, I mean I think i'm capable..I think?"It took Emric a moment to realize that he had said most of that out loud, hopefully nobody heard. As he approached the two he cleared his throat in an attempt to make conversation.

    "Umm..Hi, My names Emric...Emric Greenham. What do you make of all this?" He asked nervously looking around the room at the ever increasing amount of people. "I mean...I almost didn't come but you know...I need the coin." Emric finished giving a nervous chuckle still looking around the room.
    Casamir, upon seeing the mangy Khajiit enter and serious looking breton leaning in the doorway, decided it best to stay in the company of Ysarth and the other Nord yet to introduce himself. The newcomers seemed unpredictable and made him feel uneasy, but Ysarth seemed trustworthy. He had a strong handshake thought before he spoke. The way he watched the others enter and observed their interactions told Casamir his eyes missed little. A nervous looking breton made his way towards them. He appeared to be muttering something to himself, and his large eyes darted around the room as he walked. The breton apparently had the same instinct as himself with regards to the newcomers.
    Umm..Hi, My names Emric...Emric Greenham. What do you make of all this?"
    He asked. "I mean...I almost didn't come but you know...I need the coin."
    Casamir attempted to disarm Emric's nervousness with a warm smile and a Handshake.
    "Casamir. It seems that we share a motive for our attendance. That, and shameless curiousity."
    He took a seat on the bench before answering the Breton'so question. he rested his elbows on his knees and held his hands together I front of him, looking contemplative.
    "It's too soon to tell for sure who brought us here, but there are a few to rule out. I doubt the Thalmor would have been keen on hiring our more... furry friends on the other side of the room. If this was official imperial business, we would have received envelopes with imperial seals, and wouldn't be meeting in a bar, but I don't think any other group would have aranged a meeting in a closed off city. If I had to guess I would say we're here to handle some dirty piece of imperial business they don't want made public, and judging by the diverse skillset present, I'd say it's something big."
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    Casamir perked up as something else caught his attention. He turned to Ysarth and motioned towards the room.
    "You noticed it to didn't you? I left my weapons with my horse, but apparently few else did. The guards let us in with our weapons."


    Werewolf Queen of Skyrim
    Kiv smacks Viarco in the ribs for his bad attempt at humor. It always did get on her nerves when people brought up her Argonian heritage. "Mind your tongue, Nord." She growls quietly, clearly annoyed.

    Lazgl enters the room rather sheepishly,one hand reaching for her warhammer just in case.

    (I don't color text when on mobile. Too much hassle)
    Rahd shifted in his saddle and stretched out his muscles as his horse kept walking up the rocky trail . His tail wrapped around his waist as he glanced down the steep mountainside . He needed rest from his recent travels and although solitude was not the easiest place to get to it certainly was the best and closest option . The High queen of solitude was one he found that was easy on the eyes as well. Most Jarls seemed to care less about how they poised themselves or their mannerisms but Elisif the fair was different amongst them . Riding up to the stables he dismounted the dark brown mare and looked at another horse that was resting in the stables . He recognized that beast from anywhere and his ears raised up and he lowered his hood . He didn't remember anything about a trip being discussed or an event he should attend or be aware of .

    He was curious of this as he handed off his horse to the stable boy ," Hey there boy . Did you see who brought this horse cream colored mare in ?"

    The stable boy nodded and smiled ," A lady was traveling with the horse ."

    Rahd nodded and rubbed his chin before dropping some septims into the stable boys hands ," Thanks , please take care of her ." Throwing his hood back up the khajiit lowered his ears and walked into the city of solitude . He disliked this place and he disliked having to spend anymore coins than was necessary along his travels . Glancing towards the winking skeever he decided the first inn would be the best place for information and to simply rest. The khajiit walked quickly and entering the inn and he immediately felt several sets of eyes on him . More than likely they were now going to be caution of their coin purse .

    Walking past the crowd he excused himself as he bumped into people and walked towards the counter where the bartender stood . His tail swayed side to side and he noticed a particular figure in the doorway to a room . His nose twitched and a familiar scent was detected and he stood up ignoring the bartender and his questions. The khajiit smiled with a glint in his eyes as he approached quietly and effectively to woman in the doorway .

    Leaning in close the khajiit whispered ," Why so serious ? You act like the party your about to attend seems dreadfully boring . Are beasts such as I allowed to attend such a gathering?"

    The khajiit glanced upon the patrons in the room . The other cat of the group caught his eye and he almost immediately rolled his . He didn't mind people but often other khajiit often asked questions about his speech . Perhaps he wouldn't talk to these strangers at all and he could care less about them but couldn't help but be curious as to what Cosset was up to . Often he was the lingering shadow of his friend but he was concerned about her well being .

    He lost a lot in his lifetime and he refused to lose the one and only person whom mattered in all of skyrim . Standing tall the warrior focused back towards the other people eyeing them suspiciously to see if they had strength that outmatched his friend or himself . His tail swayed behind him and his ears twitched underneath his hood .

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    Werewolf Queen of Skyrim
    Lazgl squeaks in surprise at Rahd, fur all poofed out now. "Oi! Don't go scaring people!"

    Kiv notices the newcomer, Rahd, and sighs in frustration. Great, more people. And she had somewhere to be.