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    Free Form Role Playing Guide for Beginners
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    Welcome, members of the Thieves Guild! Your task is to steal the Jagged Crown from it's new owner, Jarl Elisif of Solitude. The contract was placed by a mysterious man wearing a blue cloak, who is being investigated by J'Saga-Jo and Selia Anika, so they will be unable to help you in this task. The first step in this master theft is to gain acces to the Blue Palace. You may do so however you want, though if possible avoid killing. Next, you will have to find a way to approach Jarl Elisif without any guards noticing. At night she places the crown on a highly guarded pedestal, and during the day she will be wearing it. This may pose some problems, but it is possible. Some of the guards may even be willing to take bribes, though you'll have to find ones who have no strong allegiance to the Empire. One last thing... The remnants of the Thieves Guild, Gullum-Ei, Maul, the Black-Briars, Molgrom Twice-Killed, Syndus, Herlium Lothaire, Arnskar Ember-Master, Vanryth Gatharian, Mallus Maccius, Enthir, Niranye, Endon, all of the Khajiit Caravans, Etienne Rarnis, Ravyn Imyan and Garthar have reformed it, even better than ever. They are also after the crown, and it is believed that there is one in our midst who is a traitor... Happy hunting.


    I know all! I am the WIKI!
    Vincent saw the carriage coming from a distance, he was going too steal it too ride to Solitude, after his horse got scared off by a pack of wolves. I'll use this carriage and ride it too Solitude, I am going too meet my fellow guild members there, thought Vincent. He stood in the middle of the carriage's tracks too pretend to be stranded. The carriage stopped and he saw an altmer sitting at the back. I recognise him, he was at the guild meeting about the crown. He must be member. I don't think I've spoken too him yet. Vincent walked up too the carriage and spoke to the passenger, Hello fellow thief. Can I hitch a ride with ya? The carriage driver gave him a look after hearing the word "thief". Vincent gave a threatening look back at the driver, as if too say "if you tell anyone, I'll kill you". Vincent knows that he isn't a killer, but that doesn't mean you can't threaten. He won't talk, thought Vincent, as he awaits a reply from the altmer.


    Jinsley entered the city. Very little had changed since his last visit; all of the faces were familiar to him, although his was not familiar to them. The streets were clean, the walkways laced with shrubbery and flora. There was the slightest hint of sea salt in the air. This was no time for luxurious indulgences, however. He had not been sent to sight see. The others would soon arrive, and this was the perfect time to gather information. This was his first real mission, and he did not plan on failing.

    He casually walked through the town, being sure not to speak to any individual for too long. He wanted information, but wouldn’t dare risk being identified. Surely the others would be able to scrounge up some useful information as well. One woman in a stall told him that the Jarl’s birthday was coming up, and a grand party was being thrown in her honor in one week's time, though, the party was by invitation only. Apparently, this woman would be supplying all of the wine for the evening. The perfect time to strike thought the bosmer as he walked toward the apothecary. He had party favors to prepare.


    23rd President of the United States of America
    With the new Guild's success in its last mission, each member had earned quite the pay-off from the event. From there, the members could do with their cut whatever they felt best. Jacoby basked in the fortune, hiring new repos to help obtain payment from ignorant clients. With that in mind, Jacoby and Olyviah had been traveling all over, spreading their market's influence across Skyrim. A few moths passed, and the had sent him another letter, reuniting the original members from the last mission along with fresh, newer ones to aid in as well.

    "Awwe, would you look at that? It seems as though the Guild could use my assistance. I feel so loved!" After crying imaginary tears of joy, his happiness was met dissatisfaction as he read further. "Another rival group!? Why won't that low-tier Thieve's Guild just dig its grave already?" He chuckled to himself at the poorly made pun. "I guess leaving those loose ends untied just left us with a big and messier knot, it would seem. No matter, I'll be sure to give them a visit when they're all six feet under, hahaha!"

    He left Olyviah with the shop once more as he set off on his faithful horse, Morgue, to Riften yet again. This time from Whiterun.


    A Dunmer man weaved through the trees outside of Whiterun. He ducked and dived, not slowing down for any obstacle. Eventually, he arrived at a giant clearing in the forest. In the center, there was a campsite. Four Khajiit and a Nord walked around the fire, talking and laughing. The Dunmer man approached and whispered something into the Nords ear. The Nord's look of joy immediately left his face, replaced by a look of surprise. Once what he had been told sunk in, he paled. He turned to a Khajiit and said, with a thick Nordic accent, "We got us some trouble. Call for Balog Ok Ro-Whatever. We are gonna need all the help we can get, Ri'Saad." "Of course, lord Morgram.", said a male Khajiit with a bow. He turned to the others and spoke in the Khajiiti tongue well Morgram turned back to the Dunmer who was now in the light, revealing tattered brown armor. "Thanks, Ravyn. Tell the others. We'll need all of 'em.", said the Nord. He grabbed a bottle of mead and chugged it all in one gulp. Then he belched loudly and walked back into his tent. The Dunmer sat by the fire to warm himself as the Khajiit continued conversing.

    Meanwhile, in the bushes, two pairs of eyes watched. A petite Redguard woman in regular old Hammerfell clothes and a Khajiiti man wearing a full set of Ravyn's armor. He drew his blade silently, while the Redguard already had two scimitars at the ready. The Khajiit held up three fingers. He slowly lowered one, then another. As soon as he lowered his ring finger, the Redguard jumped out of the bushes and threw a sword into Ravyn's back. He fell into the fire, dead. The Khajiit drew their weapons, but fell almost immediately. One female had her entire head removed by another flying scimitar, while the other trhree al had their throats slit by the lightning-fast Khajiit who had been in the bushes. Their bodies fell to the ground before any could make a sound. The Redguard pulled two more swords out of a pack on her back and disemboweled Morgram. She laughed and said, "Oh J'Saga, I do love murdering the competition!" The Khajiit replied, saying, "That may be so, Selia, but remember that sometimes, it is better to leave some alive." He then disappeared back into the forest, followed closely by Selia.


    23rd President of the United States of America
    Jacoby was left sitting at the campfire, alone, and still in awe of how swiftly their "competition" had been combed through. Not only was he pissed at the fact that all the kills were taken so suddenly from him, but that he had no part to play in their deaths whatsoever. Though he was a bit mad, he never let it get the best of him. In fact, most normal people would view these murders as a horrible act of aggression, while he felt it was a game, with J'Saga and Selia now leading with 5 points.

    He sat near the fire with the decapitated khajiit, taking the Nord's mead bottle and taking a sip of what was left in it. He began conversing with the khajiit carcass.

    "My apologies about what just happened, my sweet. I know this all just took you by surprise, but it was not worth losing your head over. Hehehe! But if it makes you feel any better, your other buddies are going to get to feel this same joy too!" He looked at her head on the floor and the other mangled bodies around the site. "You're not much of a talker, are you? At least you're up in Kitty-garde, or the Magic Litter Box in the Sky, or where ever the hell khajiits go to attend to their afterlife." Jacoby stood back up and did what he does best, robbing every single body in sight before heading back for Morgue. He wasn't going to let his associates have all the fun without him. He checked to see from where they had taken off from in such a hurry.
    Dar'arjo stood outside the high walled city of Solitude, thinking over his next move. The city guards had been adamant in not allowing him inside the city, and while Dar'arjo knew that the nords in Skyrim were generally less lenient in letting foreign races into their cites, he had been able to bride his way into some of the other holds, but it seemed that with the Jarl's birthday coming up, they were even tighter with security. As Dar'arjo tried to think of a solution to this obstacle, he heard a famlier voice behind him. "Dar'arjo? Is that you?" Dar'arjo turned around to see his old friend Safia, the captain of the Red wave. "Ah Safia."Said Dar'arjo "It has been a long time since Dar'arjo last saw you, it was in Morrowind was it not." "Yes, it was." Replied Safia "You acted as a middle man when we were gathering some Balmora Blue to sell in Skyrim. Its been a while since then, but if you as cunning as you were when we were stealing illegal drinks from dunmer drug dealers, then I could use you help in a little problem thats come up." "And what would that happened to be?" Asked Dar'arjo curiously. "You see, my first mate Sabine and 3 other crew members were arrested last night, as they let themselves get caught transporting a case of skooma to the ship, and are being held in Castle Dour in Solitude." Safia explained. "The guards haven't had any proof of my criminal actives, but now that they have found an excuse to arrest key members of my crew, all they have to do is get them to talk and they'll be able to bring me in and the rest of my crew. So, I'm planing to try and get into their cell tonight, and either help them escape or kill them if theirs no way to get them out, and I'd like you to help me." "I see" Said Dar'arjo. "But Dar'arjo isn't able to legally enter the city, so unless you know of another way in, I cant be of much use to you." "Oh don't worry about that," Safia said quickly. "I know of a sewer entrance that leads into castle dour,just meet me down by the docks at midnight." And with that, she took off down to her ship, leaving Dar'arjo alone outside Solitude,now having figured out a way that he could be useful in this mission after all.


    One nightshade, one deathbell… While Jinsley was no alchemist, he did havea minor knowledge of poisons and the ingredients that were in them. He added one substance after another. And to top it off, one vial of double distilled skooma. The bosmer was quite proud of himself; the concoction had taken a golden color and the moon sugar crystals sparkled. He filled several vials with his poison. Oh, if only the others were here to see what a good job I’ve done! Where in Oblivion are they? Jinsley looked at the apothecary, who was shaking her head in disapproval. “What’s the matter? Am I not allowed to experiment?”

    “Oh, of course you can experiment, but with a poison like that, you couldn’t harm a skeever.”

    Oh, we’ll see about that. “Will you be attending the Jarl’s party?”

    “Why, I most certainly will. Half the town will be there. Too bad for you, though. Visitors won’t be on the list, methinks.”

    “Yes, ‘tis a pity. I can be quite enjoyable when I’ve had a bit of wine. Oh well. Thank you again for allowing me to use your alchemy lab.” Jinsley turned and left the store. It was getting dark. He would soon have to find a place to sleep. The inn, perhaps? No, something more private. I wonder if that house is still empty. He checked his pockets for lockpicks. Proudspire it is. The elf walked to the vacant house, checking that the coast was clear before attempting to pick the lock. After a few brief moments, he heard the satisfying click of success and pushed the door open.

    “Eeeeeeek!” The house was no longer vacant. Behind the door was a couple, doing the dirtiest of deeds. The man tried his best to cover himself, but the woman did no such thing. She only screamed. Even as the woman screamed for the guards, Jinsley couldn’t bring himself to break his gaze at the naked couple.

    “You the type to go fiddling with locks, elf? Not on my watch. To Castle Dour with you.”
    Jinsley found himself in Castle Dour, the guards deciding that a month would suffice in teaching him better than to break into houses. Jinsley was screwed.


    let's get metaphysical
    Foronir emerged from the sparse foliage that surrounded Katla's Farm and leaned himself on a tree trunk, watching a woodsman cut some firewood and pondered his next move. He knew he was allowed inside Solitude itself, but not welcomed by the guards and the townsfolk. East Empire Trading Company? That sounds promising. Foronir knew he was good at illusion magic, and invested in it when he could. He took off towards the Company, sticking close to the foliage. He formulated a plan as he jogged; he thought clothes, boots, possibly a cowl to cover his elven ears. And a box. Can't forget a box.

    He slowed his run to a brisk walk, only to calm a pack of wolves that were seemingly tailing him. A few Nords walked by him, some even ran, in fear that Foronir would jump on them and scream bloody murder whilst denouncing Talos as a god. "I'm not one of those idiotic Thalmor!" he yelled at a running Nord. He sighed to himself as he continued to walk. He absolutely hated being attributed to the Thalmor, since his Bosmeri brethren aligned themselves with them. He knew that he would be hated the moment he stepped inside Solitude, and moreso if he came across any thick-headed Nords.


    I know all! I am the WIKI!
    Vincent heard the mage's pompous rants about himself. It's not the first time that I've met a cocky youngster, thought Vincent. He then spoke too the young thief. I don't need weapons. A true mage can procure weapons on site with bound weapons. And don't get too over your head kid. I've seen many people, thiefs and non thiefs, screw up because they thought they were hotshots. Vincent sat back and a smile popped on his face. So how about you grow up or you'll be killed on a job within a month. All right? Vincent felt quite happy at his lecture. I'm only trying to save his life, it'll help him in the future, thought Vincent. He knew that he would make a good father. Vincent then saw Solitude from the distance. He knew that he and Morwor are only a couple hours away from Solitude.


    23rd President of the United States of America
    Jacoby eventually lost sight of the two kill-stealers, almost as if they had vanished into thin air. Once he knew they were gone from the campsite, he took a deep breath. What if they had clearly seen him? Do they know? He turned from the camp and rode off on Morgue, but not in the direction of the newer Guild. He was going the opposite way, to Riften to take care of "business".

    "Good for nothing caravans... I just hope those two thought I was going to kill these kittens myself. If not, this seems like this is going to be a lot more interesting than I had imagined, hehe." With time racing against him, he fled off to the port city, zooming past whatever obstacle he came across along the road.

    After a few hours, he arrived at the gates. Except this time, it was strange. Unlike the first mission, the guards let Jacoby pass with no sort of hassle or fuss, not even a visitor's tax, almost as if he was welcomed into the city. Though he was headed for the Ratways, he was stopped by more guards near the town square.

    "Stop right there, Pneulon!" He let out a deep sigh and held his forehead. There was no time to deal with the petty authority at the moment, but instead of attempting an arrest, the guard had a different request.
    "Jarl Laila Law-Giver has asked that you be escorted to Mistveil Keep at once." The baffled Dunmer hestitantly agreed to the summons and made his way to the Jarl's place of residence. Strange. He had never been asked of anything by anyone who held a seat of authority, much less a Jarl.

    "Jacoby Pneulon, certainly one of Falkreath's most... 'notable' residents." He scoffed at her attempted sarcasm, signling her to get to the point. "We here in the Rift are well aware of your work over in Falkreath Hold, and we could have had you put behind bars the moment you crossed that border, but there's someone who knows well of how to deal with degenerates such as yourself." Maven Black-Briar, the matriarch of the infamous Black-Briars, emerged from the other room. She led Jacoby out of the building and invited him into her family's home.

    "So what do you plan to do, huh Maven? You lock me up, and I'll make sure the guards find your family's bodies at the bottom of Lake Honrich." She gave a slight chuckle, knowing her men could get to him much faster than he could ever get to her family.

    "Certainly the feisty one, are we now? Well, save it. I didn't bring you here to have you apprehended. In fact, a few friends of mine have a much better idea in mind."
    As night fell over Solitude, Dar'arjo left the tent that he had sent up down the road from the city, and headed towards the docks to meet with Safia, and secure himself a way into the city. As Dar'arjo walked past the outer gates of Solitude, he found that the road was blocked by a carriage that had just pulled up, carrying two familiar looking passengers. As Dar'arjo got closer, he recognized them as two fellow guild members, Morwor and Vincent. "Hello my friends, you have come at a very opportune time" Said Dar'arjo, while at the same time making a cut sliting motion with his hand, while pointing the at the carriage driver with the other.


    I know all! I am the WIKI!
    Vincent stepped off the carriage with Morwor. Dar'arjo was met at the road leading to Solitude. What a friendly coincidence, thought Vincent. Hello my friends, you have come at a very opportune time, said Dar'arjo. Vincent noticed his sign language while doing it. Vincent walked up too Dar'arjo and whispered, He's all yours. Vincent then stepped back and said, without whispering, What is this opportunity that you speak of? Vincent looked at the driver, who was terrified at them. Dar'arjo can take care of him. I'm not a killer. My sister taught me that, thought Vincent. He looked behind too see the young altmer mage. I hope this kid doesn't get cocky, thought Vincent
    Dar'arjo crused silently to himself. "Coward, can't even follow the most basic order I give him. He's going to be a tough one to work with it seems." Dar'arjo walked up to the carriage driver, sliping some ale and a coin purse into his pocket."Get out of here, and don't tell anyone you saw us." The terrified man jumped off the carriage and took off down the road. "Okay, listen closely mages" Said Dar'arjo, as he turned back to his fellow thieves."Since Selia isn't going to be here for the mission, somebody is going to have to give some orders around here, and right now its going to be me, as you too took your sweet time getting here, and seem to be to cowardly to kill a lowly carriage driver." Said Dar'arjo, trying to keep his anger in check. "So, here's whats going to happened, I want the two of you to work together for the moment, as I have three things I want the two of you to do together. One, get into the city, two, find the guild a temporary base that we can use for the mission, and three, get all of our fellow guild members together at the base, I don't want anyone working solo this time, got it?" Dar'arjo paused to catch his breath, wondering what the two mages reactions would be.


    Selia caught a glimpse of another body from her perch above their new camp outside of Riften. A Dunmer man, racing towards Solitude on... "Morque!", shouted the Redguard. J'Saga-Jo fell from a higher branch and silenced her, then two watched Jacoby enter the city. Selia tried to stifle a giggle, but couldn't, attracting the gate-guards. J'Saga just sighed and threw a couple of bound daggers into their foreheads, then Selia used a simple telekineses spell to throw them into the bushes. The Khajiit dropped to the ground, landing on his hands and knees. Still on all fours, he stretched himself out and crept silently over to the old wooden gate. Selia dropped down as well, landing on her feet. She then walked over to the crawling J'Saga-Jo and threw open the gates, saying, "We're back!" A guard turned his head in surprise, then lost it to one of Selias scimitars. The other guards ran around in circles or jumped into the canal, frightened. Selia laughed crazily and cast invisibility, then went up behind all the guards, saying, "BOO!" One guard had a heart attack, while the others nearly fainted. They remembered Selia, oh yes they did.

    J'Saga stood up, shook his head with a smile, and cast invisibility as well. They didn't really need it, but it never hurts to be prepared. Sneaking through town, the duo arrived at the gates of Mistveil Keep. The large double doors were thrown open, revealing poth their Dunmer associate and Maven Black-Briar, one of the reasons they returned to Riften in the first place. Killing her would significantly weaken the new old Thieves Guild, as well as the Dark Brotherhood. Both groups they competed with, both nearly wiped out at the loss of their best customer. Selia readied a blade, assuming that Jacoby was also here to take care of Maven. J'Saga pushed her arm down and whispered, "This one must follow them. He suggests you stay out here, where you won't alert anyone to this ones presence." "No way! I'm going, whether you like it or not!", said Selia in a rather loud voice. Luckily, Maven and Pneulon were already out of earshot.

    J'Saga-Jo and Selia followed them silently, making sure to keep the invisibility spell up. Maven opened a door for Pneulon, inviting him into her two story manor house. Selia ran up to them and entered before the door was closed. J'Saga, meanwhile, picked up a plate, turning it invisible. He was going to ractice an ancient art that would allow him to pass through the door. He pressed the plate up against the door, took a deep breath, and walked forward, entering the entry hall(Glitches!). He followed the duo into another room and heard Pneulon ask if she intended to kill him. "Good... This one hoped he would not be in league with the... Other Guild.", mumbled J'Saga, the last couple of words creating a bitter taste in his mouth. He spat on the womans sofa and continued listening. "Certainly the feisty one, are we now? Well, save it. I didn't bring you here to have you apprehended. In fact, a few friends of mine have a much better idea in mind.", replied Maven.

    She took a seat as J'Saga realised she could be trying to recruit Pneulon. He used a detect life spell and saw Selia with a dagge rup to Mavens throat. He quickly cast telekineses, stealing her blade. Then he silently crept up to her and grabbed her collar, pulling her back to the entry hall. Selia's invisibility spell wore off as they rounded the corner into the hall, which Maven noticed. She was about to say soemthing, but when she saw the end of Selias clothing, she instead yelled, "Intruder! Guards!" J'Saga ran to the wall, flattening himself out to avoid detection. Selia, meanwhile, jumped out the window and sommersaulted over the railing and into the canal. She cast invisibility, then entered the abandoned old Ratway, which would soon be turned into the new Riften base of operations. Guards ran out of every orifice and alley in the city, but when they saw their target they stood back. The few who continued chasing her into the canal ended up losing her or seeing the Ratway door open. If they entered the Ratway... Let's just say the results were not pretty, and if the place was ever going to be restored then someone would have to do some serious cleaning first.


    I know all! I am the WIKI!
    Vincent didn't like the tone he was taking at him. Listen! I'm not a killer. I'm a goddamn thief. If you don't like that, then deal with it. I can work with you, just don't make me pull that crap again. I never take an innocent man's life. I steal for a living, not kill! Vincent felt angered. He didn't like too be ordered too kill. Me and Morwor will set up a temporary guild base here, and we will call everybody here. But if you tell me too murder an innocent again, then I'll take orders from someone else. Vincent started too walk up the hill towards the Solitude gates. He only took a few steps before he turned around and said too Dar'arjo. I don't condemn those who choose too kill. I just choose not too. Vincent continued too walk up too the Solitude gates.


    23rd President of the United States of America
    Maven was summing up the plot her and her associates had been forming. She had Jacoby's full and undivided attention, but he could help but feel a sudden nip in the air, almost as if they were being watched. He couldn't shake the feeling the whole while through, but he ignored it. Maven continued on, this wasn't a plan, but a proposition.

    "You know well what the Guild has in store for Elisif's crown, so it's good to know I'll save time on briefing you in. Perhaps you remember the Original Guild, correct?" He nodded as a sadistic smile stretched across his face, chuckling at the thought of their downfall as he soon regained his composure. "We know what you costed us, but I can't say I blame you. You did what had to be done. You took out the competition, and we have the utmost amount of respect for those willing to play dirty in order to get what you feel is yours."

    "Enough of with this 'respect' nonsense. I know you want me to turn my back on the Guild, but may I ask why? And please spare me the, "We have so much respect for you!" bull, and get to your real reason."

    Maven knew Jacoby would sense there was something deeper to this recruitment than just helping her obtain the jagged crown. After a few more minutes of explanation, she finally made her true motives clear. She re-started her own variation of the Thieve's Guild under her family's banner, and if anyone knew how to overcome a Guild member, it would be an actual Guild member. Jacoby thought about it for a while and realized the call for gold was just too much to pass up. If he joined, Maven would offer her family's services to the market, the one thing Jacoby felt he truly cared for. He had an idea of what was happening back with the slaughter of the caravanners, but he had no a whole new rival faction was being created. With that ominous feeling still in the room, they left the home and headed to Riften's stables to meet with the other affiliated members.

    Though he somewhat regretted turning his back on his Guild mates, he knew the outcome of this whole mess would turn to his favor. He didn't know who or where the crown would end up by the end of it all, but he would be sure that at the end of the day, his side would get the last laugh.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Hides-Many-Knives read the letter that had just arrived from his "superior" Selia. Oh yay, Hides thought that inhuman mimick of a smile appearing, Selia's cleasing of the oposing guild wasn't as clean as he had heard. He turned to see Razor and Cleaver lifting the limp body into the sanctuary. Unproffessional harlot, Hides thought, This idea of an infiltrator though. Hides heard a struggle start and the Messanger fought off the paralysis poison he had dosed him with. "Ah good I can study you even longer,"Hides said "You will find us most hospitable."

    Hides lay on his bed as his servants packed his things for the trip to Solitude. The letter had said this was a thievery job, but Hides decided the traitor business would be a nice distraction. "Father the horses are ready." Stilletto was walking up to his bed. "Thank you Stilletto. May I ask you a question?" "Of course father." "Do you ever want life outside of this?" "This is our family. I will always serve Sithis, I believe it is my fate." "But do you ever consider a normal life?" "No Father I am happy and my family will continue the legacy you started." "If that is how you feel," Hides closed his eyes and sighed. Maybe he was thinking to much, I should be happy new test subject and killing moles. Hides walked out of his sanctuary, and breathed the cool night air his Knives taking their possition behind their leader.


    let's get metaphysical
    Foronir stood outside the East Empire Company Warehouse and surveyed the surrounding environment. A Solitude Guard patrolled the docks, but apart from that, the place was a shanty town. Or docks. Making sure that no-one was around, Foronir cast an Invisibility spell and sneaked up behind the guard. With a swift movement he threw an arm around the guard and smacked the side of his now-exposed neck, open-handed. The guard stumbled and Foronir pushed him off the dock, and he didn't resurface until after a few seconds. The body was facing towards the sky, so he knew that there would be an avid supply of air for the unconscious guard.

    With a few quick strides, Foronir crouched at the doorway which blocked himself from the interior of the East Empire Company Warehouse. He knew just from glancing at the lock that it was too complicated for an Open Lock spell. He slipped a lockpick from his left leather vambrace and crouched at the door. He also pulled a shiv from his left boot. He inserted the two lockpicking devices into the lock and wiggled the pick around, not so much looking, but feeling for purchase in the lock. He twisted the shiv and the lockpick broke, and he silently cursed. The next few attempts proved futile and Foronir stepped back a few paces, wondering how he could open the door. He thought about praying to Nocturnal; however he didn't know any prayers to her. He titled his head to the side, and spoke.

    "Nocturnal, Lady Luck... help me open this gods-damned door and I'll give you some void salts as a offering, ok?"

    After realising what he just said, Foronir smiled to himself, but it was one of worry. He was probably going to get caught by some dockworkers, maybe even the dockmaster. Still, he tried to open the wooden door one last time. The door opened with a small click! and Foronir looked in awe as that worked. He made to enter the Warehouse and he idly thought where in Oblivion he would find some void salts.