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    Who will fall?

    • The Darkbrotherhood

      Votes: 8 66.7%
    • The Morag Tong

      Votes: 4 33.3%

    • Total voters

    death raider

    Thalmor Ambassador
    Luna looked over at the 'rat' as he began to look at a small notebook he had in his hands, probably with information of the Dark Brotherhood. Luna pulled back her long black hair, and put it up in a small pony tail. She watched closely as the rat looked through the pages with great consentration, and flicked through the pages, reading every word carefully as not to miss anything out. After he finished reading he looked back up at Luna and gave her a firm stare.
    " So what do exactly want to know?" the rat asked looking her up and down.

    Luna wasn't sure at that exact moment what she wanted to know, where the sanctuaries are? What are their plans to destroy the Morag Tong? What are their newest plans to interrupt contracts? There were so many questions to be answered, but Luna wanted to know so much, but within such little time.
    " Any information on their plans against the Morag Tong and also do you have any information on the locations of sanctuaries?" Luna asked, giving him a firm glare, trying to squeeze as much info out of him as possible.

    The rat gave a long grin and then lay bac against the wall of the sewer.
    " The plans? Well I have a litte info on that... Firstly the Dark Brotherhood have made it their decission to interrupt all of the contracts, and if your wondering how they know the contracts, then I will tell you this, they have their own rats," the rat gave a smirk and then moved closer forward.
    " I also know that they are planning something, soemthing which could end the Morag Tong forever..." the rat gave a cackle of laughter then turned on his serious face and proceeded with more info.
    " Now as for the loaction of sanctuaries I know very well that they have 7 snactuaries now, and that they have 2 in Skyrim, 1 here in Morrowind, 2 in Cyrodil, 1 in Daggerfall and another in High Rock," the rat said giving a little nod and then psuhing his back against the sewer wall once again.

    All this information was quite interesting and could be quite useful. Luna then gave him a thankful smile.
    " Thank you er... rat, I'll be back soon, but if you get any more info just get in contact with us," Luna gave him a little nod and she then left the sewers and went back to the sanctuary. Luna entered inside and then looked around, she quickly remembered, that Movere was hurt. Luna went towards Movere's room and once she got there she saw Movere, who was no sleeping, Oriton at his side.
    " So whats happening?"

    The Phantom

    Consulting Criminal
    "Can someone help me get him back to his quarters?" "Headwound. Hardly deep enough to cause this though." "He may have been poisoned."Is a war really necessary? Tamriel is a big place, surely plenty of contracts to go around?" "I don't want a war, we've already lost too many." "That's because the quiet ones use their brain." "I can't help but feel there is something you aren't telling us though and that does make me wonder." "Fair enough." "So whats happening?"

    The words swirled around in Movere's head, picking out the odd sentence from those around him. He felt something cold but pleasant trickle down his throat as he began to feel far better. Suddenly his eyes opened and he saw Oriton sitting beside him and Luna standing by the door. He moaned as he raised himself out of bed "Well," He began "Turns out I was poisoned. I'm pretty sure that I heard the door open and someone leave, don't ask me who, I don't know. The armour I recovered is on the table."

    Movere was now fully alert and wide awake, and as he stood up he felt completely healed. He inspected his wound to see that the healing potion had done it's work and had sealed. Movere put his hood and veil back up with one swipe off his arm. "It took you a while to get back here. What were you doing?" He inquired, curious as to why she arrived so late after everyone else.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Nodding her assent Alara returned to Movere's chamber, the argonian following closely. Her heels clicked against the stone floor, her strides long and determined. She was finding herself increasingly angry with the situation her family had found themselves in. She only hoped that word wouldn't get out concerning her mother and aunt. The last thing she needed was the Brotherhood slaughtering the women who raised her.

    As she entered Movere's room Alara saw Luna had returned and Movere was now sat up in his bed. Crossing her arms her posture screamed irritation.

    "Turns out I was poisoned. I'm pretty sure that I heard the door open and someone leave, don't ask me who, I don't know. The armour I recovered is on the table."

    Narrowing her eyes at Movere she felt the urge to slap him but instead kept her mouth shut. She knew losing her temper would help like a hole in the head. She looked to Luna, leaving her to take control of the situation like she was supposed to. She supposed her anger towards Movere was born of a fear of losing another brother in blood. She didn't care about the damn armour, she just needed him better.

    " So whats happening?"

    Alara moved over to the bed, taking Movere's arm and checking his wound, happy to let him explain the situation. Satisfied with his arm she turned her attention to his head, which was now clean, the bleeding seeming to have stopped. "How do you feel? The antidote I made up was...unacceptable. I was rushed. The poison may still be in your blood." Watching Movere for any sign of illness she stood back, cocking her hip and resting her hands on her hips. "And just what were you thinking running off while she were still healing? I don't if you were trying to do right by the guild, you could have died. We are not losing anymore. We can't." Alara's words were quietly said, her voice shaking with barely contained anger.

    death raider

    Thalmor Ambassador
    Luna looked at Movere as he sat up and explained breifely some things that hap happned like he was pisoned. What a great thing to happen in one of the Darkest Days of the Morag Tong, how wonderful that another one of her brother might die! Yipee! Luna mused to herself sarcasticly, folding her arms at Movere and givng a little grunt, then turning to the armor he had retrieved.
    " Have any of you looked at the armor yet? If not then good, as I would like to enquire it myself thank you, and next time you will do what I say, or I'll let the Guild master know whats been going on," Luna said coldly giving a frown towards Movere.

    Luna then stood towards the armor and looked at it, deciding she would take it to her room for enquiring.
    Where the fluff is Elrond? she thought to herself angrily, needing for his return so they could run things properly. Lena then turned back to Movere.
    " Where I have been and done is none of any of your businesses! Now if you please I will escuse myself..." Luna gave them all a little nod before leaving the room and heading down to her quarters, with the armor in hand.

    The Phantom

    Consulting Criminal
    "Oh I'm sorry. I don't recall you telling me to do anything, mistress." Movere sneered at Luna as she walked off. He then turned to the others "And to answer your question. I didn't go for the armour. I went because Elrond and Luna stormed off their, thinking my contract was still alive. I went, to make sure the Brotherhood hadn't beaten them there. They make sure to get their equipment back, luckily however they hadn't sent a recovery team yet. Elrond and Luna may like to think they are master assassins, but they are no match for a team of Dark Brotherhood assassins." And with that he stood up, wiping of a treacle of blood running down his face.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Seeing Movere stand up made something snap in Alara, the nord moving quickly and swiftly, her hands gripping his shoulders before he could leave. "No. You need rest. You've been stabbed and poisoned. Do you really think leaving is a good idea?" Seeing the blood run down his face Alara's face hardened.

    "Please Movere. Just...sit down while we sort this out. Please." The assassin's voice was uncharacteristically soft as she spoke. "Please just stop, you're still hurt, we're all angry. We're not in any position to make any decisions right now."

    Conceding his point Alara nodded, "No, alone they are not as strong as the Brotherhood." Her gaze looked over to Luna and she took a deep breath. "None of us are. We're good. But we're scared and caught off guard. they have the upper hand. Now. Calm down. Please just...let us all think about this."

    The Phantom

    Consulting Criminal
    Movere sighed as he pulled up a chair and sat down "Fine. You're right, I need rest. I'll rest but I'm not sleeping. Remaining immobile will not help me recover, but neither will stressing my wound too much." As he spoke the anger faded from his voice. Being replaced by a measured, thoughtful tone.

    He began to contemplate before speaking again "I suggest we try and avoid any more bloodshed. Find a way to make peace with the Brotherhood. There is always another way other than death. No more needn't die.... Speaking of which I could use another healing potion. Then I'll be fine." There was an obvious persistence to his voice about his eagerness to leave. He hoped no one would notice.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Glad to see Movere had seen reason, Alara released her grip on his shoulders. Stepping back she returned to her typically impassive expression, any signs of emotion tucked away where it couldn't make her vulnerable. At Movere's thoughts however she couldn't help but see the irony. Assassin's avoiding bloodshed? Surely she wasn't the only one who found the thought laughable. Of course that didn't mean it was a poor idea.

    At his request for another healing potion Alara drummed her fingers against her folded arms. "Fine. I will make up another potion, it will take time though if I'm to make it effective and potent enough. But you have to promise to stay within the sanctuary, at least till we have a plan of action. If you run off now you'll only be putting yourself and the entire guild at risk. If you do that I can promise you that I will not be forgiving." Giving him a stern look Alara turned on her heels to her own quarters where her alchemy set was set up.

    Passing through the training area she grabbed her cape and pack from beside the fire and crossed the room, heading up a small stairway to where her room hid. Carefully placing her belongings in the chest under her bed she turned to her apparatus, the familiar alembic from her childhood catching her eye. She gathered the natural ingredients she would require with silent efficiency, her hands forming the potion with practised ease. The process would take some time if she was to brew it to a strong potency. It wasn't entirely necessary considering how healed Movere already was but the hotheaded man was trying Alara's patience. His lack of respect when talking to an elder member, the Guild Master's daughter no less, her friend...it frustrated Alara to no end considering they were blind and in the dark. They needed to stick together now more than ever if The Morag Tong was to survive. Sending a prayer to Mephala the assassin monitored the progress of the healing mixture.

    The Phantom

    Consulting Criminal
    As Alara left the room he turned to Oriton, suddenly bearing a solemn expression. He sighed, disgruntled with his "superiors" and as he interpreted, their egotistical nature. His shoulders sagging, he immediately lost his facade of bravado and arrogance "I can tell you don't quite like this either. The killing, I mean. We may not know each other too well, but then again neither of us really know the others too well either. I would like to ask a favour of you."

    Movere looked side to side quickly to see if the others were close before reaching into his pocket and taking out a letter "As Alara will not allow me passage out of HQ... Could you perhaps deliver this for me? You don't have to do it, but if you do. It's the small, stone house across from the inn in the poor region of the city. From one reluctant assassin to another, I'm asking for your help."

    Then Movere walked over to his bed and decided to rest for a short while. Before a few seconds had even passed he turned to Oritin again one last time "Oh. And don't let the others notice. It's nothing traitorous or dangerous trust me it's just..... Personal."


    It's a revolution... I suppose.
    Oriton took the letter in his hands and examined it briefly before looking at Movere once more as he settled back into his bed. An assassin who didn't enjoy killing, strange... He though, remembering what the man had said moments before handing him the letter. I don't enjoy killing the innocent, but then again I am not an assassin, not really. Or am I? I am good at killing and I now do it for a living, quite literally, but surely I am not becoming one of them... The Imperial shook his head slightly, trying to forget these deep thoughts for the time being. Questioning who he was would be the last thing he wanted to do right now.

    "I will deliver your message, don't worry, and the others shall know nothing off it. Just promise me that you'll do what Alara says, she's only worried for your safety..."

    Oriton stood and bowed to Movere as he left the room and then exited the sanctuary. His pace immediately quickened once he was out of the streets, he didn't like hanging about for too long in one place, especially now that the Dark Brotherhood may well be lurking around any and every corner. And if they were what would he do? He was skilled, he knew that for sure, but what of these other assassins? What if there wasn't just one? With his relatively new-found Vampire blood he may have the upper hand, but then again, he may not.

    Oriton had known something was wrong before the small stone house had even come into view. The Vampire in him could smell freshly spilt blood and his eyes grew wide at the thought. It had been so long since he had last fed, maybe.... No, he told himself. He came to the front door to find that it was already open a crack. With a light knock on the door he entered to find the body of the woman on the floor. It was a terrible sight and it was blatantly obvious that this was not a spur of the moment kill. This was the Dark Brotherhood. Oriton closed the door and leant down to examine the corpse that lay face down on the floor. Turning it over he saw that the woman's wrists had been slit along with her throat, a very painful way to die. Next to her on the floor lay something that made Oriton's stomach turn even more than the murder itself, a dried out piece of paper with the print of a single black hand on it. Movere's not going to be happy with this at all...

    Oriton had spent a while at the house, searching for anything that could have helped his brothers and sisters find the assassin who had murdered the poor woman. There was nothing as he had expected. He knew that the Dark Brotherhood would be good and they had, by all means, met his expectations. He had covered the woman's body with a sheet and closed her eyes out of respect before leaving the property and locking the door with a key he had found. He was sure that someone would want to revisit the scene. The only thing he had taken with him other than the key was the note he had found next to the body, it meant nothing really as he already knew who was responsible, but he thought he would need it to prove what he had found.

    He came into Movere's room with a neutral expression on his face, not wanting to be questioned immediately. He took the seat he had sat in earlier and produced three things from his waist satchel. The first being the note Movere had given him, the second being the note he had found, and the third being the key he had locked the house with. He laid them out of the chair that had earlier been Alara's and looked to Movere for a reaction.

    "I'm sorry Movere. By the time I had arrived at the house you described the Brotherhood had already been and gone... There was a woman on the floor, dead, was she family?"


    IOK's Token Brit
    Alara was reclined in a wooden chair by her alchemy kit. Nimble fingers traced her mouth as she thought on everything that had happened. Her eyes tracked the bubbles that rose in the red liquid, pale flames licking at the rounded end of the glass phial. It was almost done, almost ready for her to return to Movere. With time running short she stood up, removing the flame to let the liquid cool and she grabbed a cork to seal the bottle.

    Alara ran her hands through her hair as she wondered what to do about Movere. She understood his anger but she stood by her point. She wasn't sure at what point down the line it had happened but at some point she had begun to feel responsible for the rest of the guild, if Movere had been killed she would have felt guilty, like she could have done something to prevent it.

    Holding the bottom of the phial in her hand she tested the temperature, happy that it was cool enough now. Looking around her chamber Alara looked to see if there was anything she needed before returning through the training room to find Movere still in his room. Handing him the potion Alara stood back and shifted uncomfortably. She felt out of her depth but felt the need to clear the air between them. "Look, Movere, you have to understand I'm only trying looking out for you. This isn't an easy situation...I just want to make sure we're on the same page."

    death raider

    Thalmor Ambassador
    Luna entered her room and threw down the armor upon a small table. She walked over to her bed and lay down on the soft matress looking up into the ceiling above. A picture was upon the ceiling and there was a picture of a Morag Tong assassin and Mephala herself, both of the them looking at eachother, but then Luna squinted her eyes and suddenly she saw something, it was a hand, a black hand... The hand of the Brotherhood!

    Luna pulled herself from the bed and she suddenly became very scared. Why was there a picture of the Black Hand on a Morag Tong painting? Luna walked over to the table the armor was on and she looked at very carefully, looking at every detail there was. Nothing. There was nothing on it just thje armor itself that was it. Luna went back to her bed, but as soon as she lay down on it the picture of the Black Hand shown out, more than the rest of the image and it was too disturbing to look at.

    Luna went down towards the training room and she looked at a few of the cadets, training, with knives, daggers, axes and whatever else. Luna sat down on a small chair and began to get all the info sink into her mind.
    " Why the f***f are they bothering us? Whats the f***fing point of it all?" she thought to herself angrily.
    " Why don't they leave us alone!" Luna cried standing up and picking up the chair she was just previously sitting on and holding it up, then throwing it at one of the dummies. There were immediatly shocked eyes upon her, but she blocked them out, her anger taking over her body.

    The Phantom

    Consulting Criminal
    As Alara spoke to Movere he heard no words. Just a constant ringing in his ears after Oriton had told him the news. He cradled his head in his hands, a sickly look on his face, reflecting how he felt. Movere attempted to speak but found no words, this time not due to poison. Standing up now, as grief and anger consumed him, a look of pure rage appeared on his face. When he could speak again he spoke the words slowly, surprisingly calm yet in a dark manner "For our fallen brothers. And sisters. For our honour. For our..... Family. We. Will. Kill them."

    Movere walked over to the corner of the room, not bothering to put back on the facade of arrogance now that Alara was back. Sitting down; he pulled out his Amulet of Arkay, not caring what the others may think of this "heresy" and began to pray "O Arkay, Divine of life and death. Please grant my wife safe passage to Aetherius.... And forgive me for the sins I shall commit." He then stood back up and was about to speak again when he heard Luna screaming.


    IOK's Token Brit
    "For our fallen brothers. And sisters. For our honour. For our..... Family. We. Will. Kill them."

    Alara cast a worried look to Oriton, unsure of what she had interrupted with her entrance. The anger and grief on Movere's features was clear to anyone to see, Alara could only imagine what news he had just received. Placing her hand over the pummel of her blade Alara nodded, a silent stand beside her brother in blood.

    She ignored his prayer to Arkay. She felt little devotion to any god, be they Divine or Daedric. All she cared was that Movere had just lost his wife. She couldn't imagine the pain he must have been feeling. Resolved to stand by her family she nodded in support, hand on her blade in a sign of solidarity. "Couldn't have said it better myself."

    Anything she may have added was cut off by a shout from the training room. Luna. Gritting her teeth she wondered what could have possibly happened now. Quickly leaving the room she strode into the training room and saw Luna tearing the place apart. Initiates and assassins alike were simply standing aside, watching in shock as the elder guild member destroyed the room around her. Cracking her knuckles Alara stormed over, catching Luna's wrist as she swung to take out an innocent bowl. "With all due respect Luna. Calm. Down."


    Consummate of Oration
    Doh'Sir had been concentrating deeply, giving careful thought and attention towards the creation of his "contract". In fact he had been so infatuated with it that he had given almost no-one any recognition or the time of day. He had spent several hours racking his brain writing, thinking, and conceiving the words and structure of the houses contract.

    While deep in meditation he was abruptly interrupted by unnecessary loud noises seemingly coming from the downstairs. Initially he tried to pay no mind to it but as the racket prolonged he grew extremely frustrated trying to focus with all that noise. He went to investigate, and as he went downstairs he isolated the source, the training room. He was going to give a good tongue lashing at the perpetrator.

    Upon entering the room he saw broken items everywhere, and recruits all eyeing Alara and Luna. "What is this madness you two!" he roared. "What kind of example are you setting for these new recruits?" "That when your angry you can just go around smashing things YOUR FATHER has provided us with?" he loomed at Luna". "I understand that there's been an intrusion of the dark brotherhoods in our lives and recently you were caught doing something you know you should not have been doing by your father, but I don't care!" "This will not happen again, you understand?" "Next time your angry enough to destroy things find a sparring partner or get a contract and take your anger out on them, you aren't going hide under the cloak of your father's rank!"

    "And you Alara!" "Why are you involved in this escapade, You usually behave much wiser than this.....It's so infuriating to witness you two doing such a despicable thing in front of RECRUITS!!!" "Now when you calm down you can come and explain yourselves to me or your father I don't care witch but you two girls are lucky that I'm not vindictive, I won't be informing the guild-master."

    Doh'Sir slowly retreated from the training room and proceeded through the door-way stopping for a pause for an expected revolt of words. If none came, he would get a quick meal and socialize with the family. He was much to heated to write, or think clearly.


    IOK's Token Brit
    At the sudden appearance from Doh'Sir Alara bit back her own retort. Releasing her grip on Luna she turned to Doh'Sir. "I'm surprised that an assassin with your skills could be so unobservant in such a situation. If you'd paid the slightest attention you would see that I was trying to calm Luna down. Now. Are you quite done?" As before Alara's words were quiet and measured, revealing her controlled anger. Fingers twitched at her throwing knives but she was well aware that losing her head would only jeopardise her standing.

    Folding her arms over her stomach she turned around to the recruits, the dark rings around her eyes emphasising the anger in her glare. "All right, nothing to see here. Get back to whatever it was you were doing." Slowly exhaling through her nose she closed her eyes, begging for some respite for just one moment. She was exhausted, having been either travelling or cleaning up everyone's mess since she'd got back. She wouldn't be able to get anything done overtired. "Now. Clearly the Brotherhood are planning on something. I haven't slept in almost three days. So please, if we could all keep our fl*ffing tempers for just a few hours, do you think I could get some sleep before someone inevitably runs off to either save the day or get themselves killed?" Sighing heavily Alara looked up wearily, mentally begging that she could just for a moment get some rest.


    Consummate of Oration
    Doh'Sir had made a mistake, and he knew it. He did not mean to raise the temper of Alara in such a way, and realized that she was innocent in the matter and had basically tried to get the same result he had been trying for. He knew that Alara was drained, just by looking at her and adding to the outburst they both had had only added to her fatigue.

    Doh'Sir went to the kitchen to cook with Alara on his mind. He was truly sorry for ragging on her because she did not deserve the harshness of his words. He had always had some emotions for the Nord, but he saw first hand what she used men for and how she treated them so he knew those emotions were best kept contained. Plus the likelihood of a Nord woman being attracted to an Argonian was very.......unlikely and almost impossible to conceive. Although a good gesture couldn't hurt his chances, as well as reconcile the hostilities between them.

    Doh'sir contemplated what would best help a fatigued and sleep deprived woman....And after some thought he decided he would make some Vegetable Soup. The way Doh'Sir made this particular soup though was quite intriguing and frankly astounding. He added all the basic ingredients of the soup but also added some horker meat he boiled, that seems to melt and tear and the slight movement of the tongue. Accompanying this fall-off-the-bone meat, he included some rare spices he had purchased while on his last contract in Skyrim. Along with his attuned alchemical skills he concocted a pleasant tasting muscle relaxer and calming agent witch he added to the broth. The broth itself was enough to make even the most arrogant king salivate. Needless to say Doh'Sir was very proud of his cooking.

    When Doh'Sir had finished making the soup and added all the little bits and pieces, as well as setting the table for Alara, he attempted to call her down to him. Hoping she wasn't still enthralled with anger towards him, he did not want to have to dine alone, and he had truly made this meal for her and not himself.


    IOK's Token Brit
    Alara was aware she was now standing in the middle of the room, hands covering her eyes as she wavered on her feet. Taking a shaky breath she looked around, daring any of the initiates to look her way. Dragging her feet over to a table she sat down and in a rare show of weakness folded her arms and rested her head on the make-shift pillow. It felt so good to close her eyes even just for a moment.

    She was unaware of how long she dozed on the table, but her instincts were sharp and an unfamiliar smell caused her to crack bleary eyes open. Frowning she swore someone call her name. Doh'Sir. What could he possibly want now? Alara hoped it would be to apologise but considering how her day had been turning out so far she wasn't getting her hopes up. Following the sound and smell to the kitchen she leant against the door jamb, silent and careful. Spotting the soup she was ver aware that she hadn't eaten for a good long time, and Doh'Sir's cooking was famous amongst those who had had the pleasure of tasting it. Raising a delicate eyebrow in silent question she did her best to stifle a yawn, hoping that whatever he wanted to say would be said quickly so that she could get some much needed sleep.

    death raider

    Thalmor Ambassador
    Luna carried on her rage, she began to demolish the place and people began to stare at her with completely horrified eyes. Alara came in and she asked for her to calm down, but Luna was in no mood to listen to subtle words and she didn't care what anyone wanted. Suddenly there was an angry voice from behind her and stood there was Doh'Sir, he was bursting with rage and anger, his voice was harsh and cold.

    Doh'Sirs voice was so angry and cruel and it was filled with malice and disgust. Luna couldn't believe how he was talking to her and then he turns on Alara for no reason and it filled Luna with absolute anger and she was filled with hatred. She watched as Alara stood up for herself and Doh'Sir then walked out. Luna ran and followed after him, her anger was now boiling into overload.

    Luna went into the kitchen after Doh'Sir, and she walked over to him her eyes glaring.
    " Don't you dare talk to me like that you stupid f***fing knob! I will not allow you to talk to me like that, I am over you and you will not show such disrespect to me, and if this happens again I'll make sure I have the honours of slitting your stupid feeble throat!" Luna stared at him, and took out a small knife, pointing it towards him.


    It's a revolution... I suppose.
    Oriton had tailed Alara to the training room, holding back at the entrance as he witnessed Luna in a frenzy of rage. Alara stepped in and attempted to stop the rampage from getting any further, but no sooner than she had grabbed Luna's wrist had Doh'Sir entered the room and added to the heat of the moment with yet more shouting. Shouting was something Oriton had come to despise recently. Well, loud noises in general. Perhaps it was because his hearing was now inhumanly precise and he could hear things at much greater distances in much greater detail, or perhaps he had just grown as a person. He would never know. Either way he was sure that his new-found Vampire blood had changed him, but for better or for worse?

    Again his thoughts turned to blood. The thick crimson liquid running from the neck of an innocent victim was exhilarating, but it sickened him all the same. Still, before long the inevitable would happen and he would need to feed once more. With quick contracts on offer at the moment however he was unsure of how to quench his thirst. True, he could simply walk out into the streets and pluck a victim who would not be missed, but with the Dark Brotherhood around every corner that would be far to risky. No, he would have to wait. Just a little longer...

    By the time Oriton had pulled himself away from his thoughts the argument was over. Doh'Sir had left the room saying nothing and Alara was left to get the recruits back to work. Even if we manage to prevent the Brotherhood from killing more of our members we'll become sick with worry. Not to mention the constant arguments that this whole situations is causing... They're getting at us without actually getting at us....