You know you're addicted when...

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Elite Bard
I haven't been playing Skyrim for that long, but yesterday I walked past a hedge that had some tiny flowers blooming underneath it. I had an impulse to press 'E'. My first thought wasn't 'Oi this isn't Skyrim don't be ridiculous mate' but 'those tiny things aren't lootable alchemy ingredients but just some background textures'. Yeah. fml -.-

I feel the same. Also, I notice plants in the real world and think, "Hey that looks like blue mountain flower, ooh hanging moss!"


Well-Known Member
The Very Very Very......Very Late Show with Sah.....*applause*

Lady's & Gentlemen....:D

*raising hand high into air* ;)......tonight's top 10 list.....*applause*

tonight's top 10 list... compliments of Discussion in 'General Skyrim Discussion' started by dragonborn, Dec 5, 2011....*applause*

You know you're addicted when...

#10 : when you spend all morning greeting people in the shout box... :p

#9: when you try to sell things to the stray cats...camping down the street o_O

#8: when you start to call your local grave yard a Necromancers Paradise! :confused:

#7: when you ask your local dealer for some moon sugar <3

#6: you call your local rehab to make a booking :ashstab:

#5: when the life savers at the beach keep on telling you YOU CANT BREATH UNDERWATER! :oops:

#4: wondering why you get the crap beaten out of you....every time you call a biker an Orc :eek:

#3: when you try to bribe the look the other way because, your a member of the Thieves Guild :p

#2: believing... David Letterman & Jimmy Fallon will sue me for stealing there idea :rolleyes:

:Dannnnnnd......tonights #1 reason You know you're addicted when.......*applause*....*applause*....*applause*:sleepyface:

#1: when your are on Skyrim Forums reading & replying to posts about other peoples Skyrim addictions

I haven't read them all, so I don't know if it's on the list, but...
When, while making out with your significant other, you are thinking about the game and how much you wanna be home playing it. I got really close to stopping and starting to talk about Skyrim, but I managed to control myself :D
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Well-Known Member
when you spend your time like this


Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows!
You know you're addicted to skyrim when...'re attracted to Miraak's voice.

When you kill a dragon and still expect Miraak to appear with his, "Not this time, Dragonborn," or, "Thank you, I grow ever stronger."

When someone who SOUNDS like Miraak is around you and you think it's really him trying to haunt you.

When you want to Fus Ro Dah your parents and teachers.

When you win your argument by shouting, "FUS RO DAH!!!"

When you want to name your next male cat M'aiq.

The list goes on and on.
When you're walking home, earphones in your ears and you hear a weird sound and the first thing you think is "it's a dragon", then look up and see it's actually just a plane flying by... Twice.


Active Member
when you quote npc dialogues during certain, convenient situations.
when someone has their back on you, and you have the urge to sneak behind them and slit their throats. If you do, you sstart looting their bodies of their valuables, or strip them naked and wear their clothing if fancy it. then you drag their dead body and overlap it to another. you take pictures and show it to your friends.


Well-Known Member
when you quote npc dialogues during certain, convenient situations.
or strip them naked and wear their clothing if fancy it. then you drag their dead body and overlap it to another. you take pictures and show it to your friends.

hello lucid-dreaming:)..welcome to the Skyrim Forums.......*click click click*
"ohhh sorry music was suppose to start planing" :confused:& no steamers and balloons:sadface:...*clicking frantically on remote*....ummmm:eek:.......battery ran out:sadface:

again welcome and have fun like the guard outside of Whiterun my eye on you


Bring me my broadsword, and clear understanding.
When you realise it's May 17th 2015 and wonder where the time since 11.11.11 has gone.


-When you start a conversation with someone and expect several options to appear in front of you.

-When someone is angry with you and the Skyrim 'combat/danger music' starts to play in your head.


Work is really cutting into my gaming time.
Maybe if I did have more conversation options in front of me in real life I wouldn't say so many stupid things...No, come to think of it, I probably still would!


The Dragon Knight
When something goes wrong in reality, or you see something mind blowing.. You say aloud, "by the nine!"