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    Queen of Evil
    Hey, I'm new to this website, sort of. I have been coming on here to read a lot of things for quite a while now but only just decided to create an account.

    I wanted to make this thread just to ask people what their Skyrim characters back story is. I don't usually get very immersed in games but since I have been playing Skyrim I have really gotten into role-playing. I love making back stories now and I wanted to hear some of yours as well as you reading mine and maybe telling me what you think.

    Ok here it goes, this is my characters story.

    Anitan Tecier is a high elf who lived in the Summerset isle since the day she was born. Ever since she was little she wanted to join the Thalmor in their efforts against the Imperials, because at the time the war between the Thalmor and the Imperials was still being fought. By the time she was old enough to join however, the war had been ended by the white-gold concordat. Still, she wanted to join. Afters Years of working her way up through the ranks she was finally sent on her first assignment outside of her country.

    She was assigned to a group of ten other Thalmor, all with different ranges of abilities, who she would go to Skyrim with and spy on the Imperials. All the while they would be feeding their information back to the Thalmor headquarters in the Summerset Isle.

    Then, after a year of spying in skyrim they received word that they were to report to a secret Thalmor base in Cyrodil to pick up supplied and then return to Skyrim. They began their journey to Cyrodil when near the border they were attacked by a group of Nords. 'You dare to trespass on our land and ban our God!' one of them had called. Anitan and her group were powerful and between them knew how to use almost every weapon and spell in Tamriel, but the Nords had numbers on their side. Anitan watched as the leader of her group was killed. She quickly relieved herself of her armoured Thalmor robes so she was lighter and then ran...

    She ran and ran and ran, until there was no energy left to spare. At the top of a mountain on the border she sat down and rested when, from behind her she heard foot steps. Anitan turned round quickly, readying herself for a fight, but saw that it was one of her group. A woman named Ellatt.

    They talked briefly sharing their views on the matter. Ellatt was convinced they should return to the Summerset Isle and bring reinforcements, claiming that they needed to track down the Nords who did this and reinforce their ban on Talos. Anitan had other ideas though. She believed that they should continue their duties and stay in Skyrim, even if that meant facing more Nords like the ones they had just seen.

    There was a long debate until finally they agreed that Ellatt would return to the Summerset Isle and bring reinforcements while Anitan would stay and complete her duties. Ellatt headed for the border and Anitan watched her go before making her way back towards Skyrim.

    An hour passed and Anitan grew tired and cold, with little but her rags to keep her shielded from the cold. She began to think that she should just curl up and die right there when in the distance she saw something illuminating the quickly darkening sky. A fire... it was a fire, thank God! She began to run towards it when she realised. This was a Stormcloak camp. Once again she ran away from her foes but something stopped her in her tracks. A man in gleaming Imperial armour stood in front of her.

    This was just what she needed, and there was no sarcasm intended.
    'Officer,' she said 'there is a Stormcloak camp over the and I-' Suddenly she was struck over the head with a large object.

    The next thing she remembered was waking up in a carriage, on her way to be beheaded.

    (You know what happens here so I will cut the opening scene and move to after she escapes Helgen with the Imperial general.)

    Anitan had finally escaped Helgen. The general told her she should go to Riverwood, but she could have cared less about some worthless villiage. She had told the Imperial that she was a Thalmor and that he should take her directly to Solitude, but he laughed at her. She knew too well why. As she - along with her group - were not registered Thalmor enforcers in Skyrim, they relied on a pass given to them by the General of the Thalmor in the Summerset isle to get them into restricted areas in Solitude. Now the leader of her group had been killed and lost forever in the mountains along with the pass, she didn't officially exist in Skyrim.

    She used this to her advantage, not even revealing to thalmor she met that she was one of them. She joined the Imperial army in hopes she would rise through the ranks and lead the army into losing thousands of men on the battlefield, and making them weak so the Thalmor could invade and take over Skyrim. Ellatt would also be back soon with more Thalmor, and she would help them crush the Imperials.


    There you go! I hope you enjoyed it. Please tell me if anything was wrong with it and I hope you will post yours for me and others to read.
    Aizen Gro-Ketzahl has been gifted since a very young age. In his tribe, you are admitted into smithing school as soon as you are able to hold a smithing hammer above your head. Most orcs can't do this until at least five or six, Aizen did it at age three. He started smithing his own set of orcish armor as soon as he was able to temper the oricalcum, which is a very difficult task. He also started basic combat training at the age of six when most have to wait until at least age twelve.

    During all of Aizen's childhood he had been taught to fear the mage that lived on the hill. As Aizen's tribe lives in a valley somewhat though, he had no idea WHICH hill he was supposed to fear, so he pretty much just stayed within the small stead. He didn't even know WHY the mage was to be feared. He had never heard of anyone ever having an encounter with him, and started to suspect that it was really just a fear of the unknown, not a fear of his power, that kept his people secluded to the valley.

    Always one to push his own limits, Aizen decided to push the limits of the town. He was out walking on the edge of their proclaimed land when he suddenly fell into a pit of somekind. Some time later he awoke in a very small cage. He panicked a little by tried his best to conceal his fear. An hour, maybe, later a man came into the room where he was. The man said nothing, only walking around and working on some things, in what looked like a very large alchemy lab.

    Aizen asked the man what he was doing. No answer. He asked if he would let him out of the cage. No answer. Aizen's head began to race as he realized that this was probably the mage that he had been taught to fear. What was he to do? How would his parents find him? Out of fear he ended up yelling at the mage "My father is the chief of the tribe! He will come down here and bash your skull into a milion pieces if you don't let me go! My mom ALWAYS knows where I'm at! I bet she's on her way here right now!!!"

    "You little whelp! You don't get it do you?!" he replied. "I have your mother in the next room! She's not coming to get you, nobody is! The sooner you realize that hope is lost, the sooner this will be over with, and the sooner I can devour your flesh!"

    "Nooooo! My father is still out there! He can still come in here and rip you to pieces! He is a great warrior!" Aizen shreaked.

    The mage walked over slowly and knealed down next to the tiny cage that Aizen was in and whispered "I lied to you boy, your mother is already dead, that's her in the potato sack in the corner marinating. Oh and your precious father? I already mudered him! Burned him to a crisp! I must say that he WAS a lean one, I bet he was every bit the warrior you say he was!"

    "Wrong Answer" Aizen said calmly with his head lowered. Just then he let out a tremendous battle-cry! He unleashed Berserker Rage! He busted out of the cage and started mauling the mage! The mage was screaming out of sheer terror and utter pain! Aizen seemed oblivious to this though as he just kept going! Barehanded, barefoot, tears in his eyes, sheer strength, sheer power! He calmed down a little right as the mage was clinging to life with his last thread. Aizen stood, let out a sigh, then a terrible yell! He raised his hands above his yead in a ball and brought them down with everything he had smashing the mage's skull to pieces!

    He calmd down and without even taking a second to think about what he had done, he raced over to the potato sack to find his mother, but she was not there! It turned out to just be a sack of potatoes! He couldn't find his father anywhere either! He ran out of the cave and found his father with a band of men armed to the teeth with terrified looks on their faces. He ran to his father who scooped him up and held him close, his mother shortly behind waiting to do the same.

    His father exclaimed that there had been terrible noises and asked what they were and how he survived whatever happened in there. Aizen told the story and brought them in to show the proof. He was then told that he was the youngest orc to ever use berserker rage, as usually the ability isn't obtained until puberty.

    As soon as he was of age, his father decided it was time for him to leave the throne of the chief of the tribe and give it over to Aizen. The only thing is that he was required to pass the "Right of passage" for his tribe. He was to go out on an adventure to bring wealth and honor to the tribe. His father handed him the orcish armor and warhammer that Aizen himself had crafted over the span of his childhood and sent him on his way.

    Not five minutes after he had crossed the border into Skyrim did he find a random rag-tag assortment of warriors in blue chain mail. He was starting to approach them when he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, he looked down, an arrow had pierced his armor and struck his shoulder. Evidentally the arrow was poisoned as he instantly passed out. He woke up some time later on the back of a carriage entering Helgen with nothing but rags to wear.

    (Opening scene)

    Aizen was never able to use two-handed weapons again, he soon crafted himself another full set of orcish armor as well as a shield to hold in his left hand, as it was his left shoulder that had taken the arrow. He also crafted himself a mace, as any self-respecting orc should use a blunt weapon of somekind.

    (It's very similar to the back-story that i used in the RolePlay but with some minor differences, as the RP didn't require me to go through Helgen and the game did)
    Oh i forgot to mention, the incident witht the mage when he was so young effected him a lot. Now, every time he sees a mage, he instantly goes into berserker rage and can't control himself. There have been times where the mage can evade him long enough for the rage to wear off and then they can talk and possibly even become allies, but there will always ALWAYS be a hint of distrust and a little more than a hint of anger in he speech towards any and all mages.

    Other than that though, since he gained his berserker rage at such a young age he has been able to hone it more and, when he voluntarily uses it, can thnk more clearly and focus more than other orcs using the same ability.

    I enjoyed reading your character's back story, i hope you liked mine!


    New Member
    Jon is my first real attempt at creating an actual character with it's own history.

    He's a Nord who was born in Skyrim to Agatha and Horfir, two honest, hard-working Nords who owned a blacksmith business.
    They moved to Cyrodiil very early in Jon's life, though, settling in a small farming village near Bruma, seeking opportunities at the apex of the Great War, when arms and armor would be in heavy demand. Jon remembers next to nothing of his time in Skyrim.

    His family set down roots in Cyrodiil, with Horfir having developed profitable business relations and contacts around the country, and also giving birth to another child, Sigurd. Jon was about 2 years old at this point.
    For more than 15 years, his family led an honest, if unspectacular, life.
    Him and his father have developed an immense fondness of hunting together. The concept of earning your meal through hard work and wit was instilled into Jon from early age. It quickly became a hobby as well as a profession.
    Horfir also taught his sons to write and read at an early age. Sigurd would not care too much for it, but Jon had become fascinated by ancient Nord legends and the history of Tamriel. He developed a specific interest in books that describe great battles and the tactics that were used to win them.

    Jon was content with that, but his brother always felt differently, seeking something more exciting to devote himself to than the life of a blacksmith's son and apprentice.
    That made it easy for him to be enticed by a rather unsavory priest of Talos, a now outlawed god following the White-Gold Concordat.

    In the following years Sigurd was involved in more than one tackle with Thalmor Justicars, soldiers, and any sympathizers of the Aldmeri Dominion that he could find. His crew had inevitably drawn the ire of the Thalmor eventually, and the day a group of Thalmor Justicars arrived at Jon's tiny blot of a village seeking Talos worshippers was the defining day of his life.
    The details are not necessary. All that matters is that Jon witnessed his brother and mother burned alive by foul magic that day.

    For the next 5 years, Jon and his father led a very different life. They were both different men. His father had become a shadow of his former self. He would wake up at morning, work, eat, drink and sleep because that's what he's supposed to do. He had stopped hunting. His life became nothing more than simply going through the motions.

    And Jon's condition was almost just as worse. He would have fits of rage. He blamed his brother and had begun calling to Deadric Princes to make him suffer in the afterlife, for which he would be willing to undertake any task they give him, but they never responded. He developed an intense hatred for magic and all who use it, that goes well beyond the typical Nordic mistrust of magic. He'd soon plummet to deplorable depths.

    Until, in 201, at the age of 28, he heard a whisper. A whisper, that back in Skyrim, in the magnificent city of Solitude, a man named Ulfric Stormcloak had defeated High King Torygg in a duel, promising to rid Skyrim of the Empire that has sold it to the Aldmeri Dominion and take revenge on the Thalmor for their cruelty.

    Jon's extensive hunting over the years have made him a skilled archer and taught him wit and cleverness in battle, and he knew his way around a forge, playing with blades and axes from early age. This was his cue to partake in a struggle for the independence of his people but one that he also has a personal stake in.
    Horfir was not receptive to the idea, and Jon hated the idea of leaving his father behind, but this was a chance for closure.

    He crossed the border into Skyrim, following the trail of Ulfric, and was captured alongside him in an ambush.

    He still hunts for pleasure, and collects and reads almost any book he can find. He never works or trades with any who use magic, and is having a tremendously difficult time coming to terms with his fate as the Dragonborn, a destiny that demands he dips his toes in the supernatural, in an ancient form of magic.
    He refuses to buy arms and armor crafted to him by other smiths. He crafts his own equipment, or takes it from his foes. The right to wield any weapon has to be earned through hard work.
    His ideas for battle are also very different from typical Nords. He has become cynical about concepts like honor in battle. He values the element of surprise, appreciates the usefulness of the bow, has a good grasp on tactics, and values agility and technique in melee combat more than raw strength. He has no qualms about using underhanded tactics such as poisons against foes he believes wouldn't lend him such a courtesy either - he's after blood, not the moral highround or the Nordic cliches of honor.


    New Member
    I am a Khajiit woman by the name of Dar'Kananet, or Kana.I was born and raised in Dune, Elsweyr. When I turned eighteen, I decided to take a journey to the north with a caravan headed that direction. We crossed the border of Skyrim and were almost immediately attacked by bandits. They killed my sister and my good friend. I was taken prisoner, to be made a slave outside of the empire. The bandits were found out by a band of adventurers. Sadly, they mistook me for one of the criminals and I was imprisoned. After a hard six months in jail, I was released. I became a waitress at a bar that eventually closed down. I found myself wandering alone. I learned a few spells and was granted access to the college of Winterhold. There, I met J'Zargo, the only one of my kind I had seen in ages. After leaving the college, I bought a beautiful black mare named Tug and rode to Solitude. I have been living outside of Solitude in a secret location. My only company is Tug and an Atronach named Shirley.


    Arch knight Sepulchure

    Once part of a renowned family of paladins, they where at the top of stendar. Sepulchure was trained in the ways of light truth and weapons. Molag ball hated his family, due to them always killing vampires, so he made a plan. On Sepulchure first mission, at about 13,he found an amulet, when he put it on out of curiosity; molag ball emerged and consumed Sepulchure. Sepulchure was corrupted, killing off stendars men, thinking they were getting in his way of ridding the world of darkness. It was not long till his father found out about the dark power; he confronted Sepulchure, who had hid in a cave to practice dark arts. Sepulchure told his father that the only way to defeat darkness was to wield it himself. His father could not allow this to happen, so he called upon the gods to clense the darkness from his son. They sent down akatosh, who gave Sepulchure the power of dragons, to fight with his newfound evil nature. But molag ball, the deamond he was, did not go down easy. The to powerful gods fought within Sepulchure, who retaliated by striking down his father. He felt sad, so he ran away. Living by himself for many years, fighting both dark and light, he was discovered by a small family of nords, who raised him till he was about 19. The family worshiped talos, which was forbidden. They lived with talos for years, but was found out and his new parents were deported to skyrim to be executed. Bent with rage, Sepulchure went around for 10 years killing imperials and thalmor, while also looking for more power. After being caught, he ran away and was on the run for many years. He heard of the rebellion, and thought I was a perfect way to get rid of imperials. So he headed of to skyrim, to join the rebellion, find more power to wield, and kill more stendars men. On his way there, he got caught and was sent there to be executed. Luckily for him, his dragon powers came back to haunt him. On the block, his powers called alduin to free him, and so his journey with darkness and light in him started in skrim now.


    New Member
    Rose is a high elf who spent her young age in the outskirts of Cloudrest, a city on the Summerset Isles. She was a part of a secret organization called "The Order of Flames". Her parents were middle-class traders who were surviving on selling enchanting materials and tools. Ever since she was born, her father Aldaril trained her in the ways of magic, despite her mother's opposition. She wanted her to live a happy, family life as a trader.
    Rose progressed very rapidly and shown much talent for magic in her training. When she turned 16, he decided to send her to the military academy, stating that he had nothing else to teach her, nothing new to show her. This eventually proved to be the biggest lie of his life, but more about that later.
    Military academy was the hard part of her life. Since the academy mostly consisted of weapon-wielding warriors, she was constantly being mocked and bullied for being a mage.
    "You think you can actually achieve anything with your fancy magic? Few resistance potions and you're worthless, good for nothing" they told her. This eventually proven to be true. She was defeated in almost all the battles at the academy, and was making no significant progress. Until she met Aiden, a fellow mage on the academy. Aiden observed Rose ever since she came to the academy, it was most unusual to him since he was the only mage on the academy until then. He saw himself in her, in all her defeats, and decided to help her. He approached her one morning, with a potion in his hand. "Here, drink this, it should help you in your next battle", he told her and left immediately.
    Rose's next battle was set to be with Tauryon Fireheart, the youngest member of a renown warrior family.
    He spent most of his previous days bragging about how he got set up with Rose, how he got to progress the easy way. At the beginning of the battle, Rose drank the potion Aiden gave her without even thinking what it could be. As the battle began, Tauryon started approaching her saying: "You're mine, filthy mage". Rose was scared, frightened to death. She felt like nothing changed. Tauryon had already approached her close enough to hit her and she didn't know how to defend herself. She suffered a heavy blow to the chest and fell on the floor. Tauryon turned around and started walking away, pointing to the judge how the battle is over. But it wasn't. Rose got back on her feet, channeled a fire spell in the form of a ball and aimed it directly towards Tauryon. Tauryon got struck by it and fell unconscious immediately. She realized that the potion Aiden gave her amplified the power of her magic somehow. It was her first victory in almost half a year. She eventually grew stronger as each day passed, along with her new friend and mentor Aiden.
    She decided to return home while on her school break. As she exited the city, she couldn't believe her eyes. Her village was destroyed, in ruins. She rushed to check up on what happened to her mother and father. When she arrived, it was the worst sight she could have ever expected to see. The whole village was slaughtered, bodies just lying around on every corner. She rushed to the house and found her mother on the bed, murdered in her sleep with a single wound. She started crying heavily over her mother's body, whispering to herself: "I will find you, whoever you are, and you will pay for this, you will pay". Only one person's body was missing in the village - her father's. She went into his room, only to find it empty. There was something strange about the room. A chilling atmosphere was surrounding it, unlike the rest of the house, as if it was possessed by an insidious entity. She felt weaker as every second passed, in the end collapsing and falling unconscious. She woke up in her garden where she use to practice her spells, wearing a robe she has never seen before. In front of her was a masked man, telling her to get up. "Who are you, what do you want from me", she asked. He slowly started taking off his mask, but Rose managed to recognize him even before he did - it was her father.
    "I'm sorry Rose, for everything, but I will have to kill you now as well", he told her and immediately tried to hit her with a fireball. She managed to evade and fired one at him as well. A battle occurred, where both Rose and her father suffered burns and injuries. The final blow belonged to Rose. While barely standing on her feet, she fired one last firebolt at him, suspiciously hitting him and putting him to the ground. She approached him, asking him: "You could have evaded that bolt, why didn't you move out of the way?"
    He coughed a few times and then said silently: "You have grown strong, my little angel. I'm sorry for everything".
    In his final moments, he gave her a letter which was from general Tullius. It said the following:

    "Aldaril, a decision has been made. We already have too many problems with the Stormcloaks as it is, we can't afford having your rebellious clan plotting to overthrow the throne of Skyrim. You served your purpose quite nicely, but I'm afraid we have to take drastic measures now. You are to murder each and every single member of the Flame Order. After you do, all connections between us will be erased and you will be a free man.
    If you refuse however, we will take away from you that which you hold dearest. Your innocent, little Rose. I hope you will do the right thing."

    It was all because of her. He only wanted to protect his little girl, even if it means to murder his whole clan in order to keep her safe. Rose was crushed, and soon devoured by feelings of bitter anger and vengeance.
    The following day, she packed all her things and went on a journey to Skyrim, with intentions of assassinating the person responsible for all her sufferings - general Tullius. Upon entering Skyrim, unable to control her emotions she murdered an Imperial guard on the border of Hammerfell and Skyrim and was immediately sentenced to death by decapitation.


    New Member
    Hi everyone, i googled skyrim character stories and this site came up and i have to say that i'm impressed! You guys and girls have got some real writing abilities! Anyway i'll have a go at putting the story for my character into words, it only exists in my head right now ha, i have some screenshots aswell that i'll post up later (they're on my other hard drive atm, i took them because they made sense with the story i have in my head, anyway here's my attempt at a story, even though it won't be as well written as any of the other post's above me!

    Name: Marinth
    Gender: Female
    Race: Nord
    Weapon of Choice: Daedric Bow (there's a backstory to why this is)
    Armour: Black Sacrament armor mod / Varying mage robes

    Orphaned during a raid by the thalmor, her father was an excellent marksman who gave his life defending her home in the Reach near markarth, her mother a native forsworn, their relationship was detested by both sides, when her mother Muri became pregnant with her, both Muri and her father set off for the hills, to live in relative peace away from those who dispised their relationship.
    At the age of 5 the thalmor came through their camp, her father took many lives that night,but was eventually beaten, her mother Muri was a powerful fire mage and as she saw her husband fall, hid Marinth
    between the rocks and ran into battle, conjuring a dozen flame atronarch's and throwing powerful spells, but she too was eventually bested. The two lovers, barely alive were brought back to their camp by the talmor, and executed simultaneouslywith a dagger to the heart, a thalmor mage, known for his sick experiments resurrected both lovers immediately and got them to fight each other to the death, unaware that their young innoecent daughter who knew little of violence was watching from the rocks merely metres away.
    That night changed her, when the thalmor had finished toying with her parents she walked to their corpses, but knew it was too late, and so carried her deceased parents to the water's edge and gave them a proper Nord burial, setting alight their bodies as they floated into the lake, together forever.
    She then grabbed her father's bow, the Daedric Bow, a quiver of arrows, and wore her mother's robes, which were far too big for her, using the bow, she hunted elk and rabbits, living in the hills alone, studying her mothers magical books by day, and becoming ever better at archery as she hunted by night, she perfecd her skills until she was 20, no imperials had ever come to help her, they were supposed to protect her, and so she left the camp where her parents had been killed by thalmor and then each other, and set off for windhelm in hopes of joining the stormcloaks, her powerful skills hidden behind her quiet personality and lustful beauty.
    Upon arriving a group of nord men, who hated elves just as she did approached her, she felt safe with them and they offered her a place to spend the night, which she agreed to, but once
    inside they changed and tried to have their way with her so she burned them, burned down their home and she liked it, a lot.
    The dark Brotherhood got word of what she was capable of and recruited her, she loved fire, just as her mother did, and had true skill with her father's bow inherited from him, with a passion for chaos and revenge she accepted and her skills lead to the assassination of the emperor of tamriel, and all his men, but no one was ever caught for the crime for no one was seen in the area, and so she hunted for any thalmor, whether at her home that night years ago or not, and killed them the same way her parents were killed, a dagger to the heart then resurrecred to fight each other, and she did this smiling, for this was her passion in life...

    Well there you go, my badly written attempt at a story ha, if you want to leave a comment then please do, any tips or criticism will be taken into consideration if i decide to sit down and write another or rewrite this one better, anyway thanks for your time! hope you enjoyed this as much as i did writing it!


    Queen of Evil
    Hi everyone, i googled skyrim character stories and this site came up and i have to say that i'm impressed! You guys and girls have got some real writing abilities! Anyway i'll have a go at putting the story for my character into words, it only exists in my head right now ha, i have some screenshots aswell that i'll post up later (they're on my other hard drive atm, i took them because they made sense with the story i have in my head, anyway here's my attempt at a story, even though it won't be as well written as any of the other post's above me!

    Name: Marinth
    Gender: Female
    Race: Nord
    Weapon of Choice: Daedric Bow (there's a backstory to why this is)
    Armour: Black Sacrament armor mod / Varying mage robes

    Orphaned during a raid by the thalmor, her father was an excellent marksman who gave his life defending her home in the Reach near markarth, her mother a native forsworn, their relationship was detested by both sides, when her mother Muri became pregnant with her, both Muri and her father set off for the hills, to live in relative peace away from those who dispised their relationship.
    At the age of 5 the thalmor came through their camp, her father took many lives that night,but was eventually beaten, her mother Muri was a powerful fire mage and as she saw her husband fall, hid Marinth
    between the rocks and ran into battle, conjuring a dozen flame atronarch's and throwing powerful spells, but she too was eventually bested. The two lovers, barely alive were brought back to their camp by the talmor, and executed simultaneouslywith a dagger to the heart, a thalmor mage, known for his sick experiments resurrected both lovers immediately and got them to fight each other to the death, unaware that their young innoecent daughter who knew little of violence was watching from the rocks merely metres away.
    That night changed her, when the thalmor had finished toying with her parents she walked to their corpses, but knew it was too late, and so carried her deceased parents to the water's edge and gave them a proper Nord burial, setting alight their bodies as they floated into the lake, together forever.
    She then grabbed her father's bow, the Daedric Bow, a quiver of arrows, and wore her mother's robes, which were far too big for her, using the bow, she hunted elk and rabbits, living in the hills alone, studying her mothers magical books by day, and becoming ever better at archery as she hunted by night, she perfecd her skills until she was 20, no imperials had ever come to help her, they were supposed to protect her, and so she left the camp where her parents had been killed by thalmor and then each other, and set off for windhelm in hopes of joining the stormcloaks, her powerful skills hidden behind her quiet personality and lustful beauty.
    Upon arriving a group of nord men, who hated elves just as she did approached her, she felt safe with them and they offered her a place to spend the night, which she agreed to, but once
    inside they changed and tried to have their way with her so she burned them, burned down their home and she liked it, a lot.
    The dark Brotherhood got word of what she was capable of and recruited her, she loved fire, just as her mother did, and had true skill with her father's bow inherited from him, with a passion for chaos and revenge she accepted and her skills lead to the assassination of the emperor of tamriel, and all his men, but no one was ever caught for the crime for no one was seen in the area, and so she hunted for any thalmor, whether at her home that night years ago or not, and killed them the same way her parents were killed, a dagger to the heart then resurrecred to fight each other, and she did this smiling, for this was her passion in life...

    Well there you go, my badly written attempt at a story ha, if you want to leave a comment then please do, any tips or criticism will be taken into consideration if i decide to sit down and write another or rewrite this one better, anyway thanks for your time! hope you enjoyed this as much as i did writing it!

    I thought that was actually really good. I have only just realised that I have posted the worst of all my characters on here so I might post one of my better ones. I liked how your was quite weird and twisted. :)


    New Member
    I thought that was actually really good. I have only just realised that I have posted the worst of all my characters on here so I might post one of my better ones. I liked how your was quite weird and twisted. :)

    Thanks a lot Minstrel, the parents in the story were actually previous characters that i've played as, a forsworn mage and an archer in the imperial army. I just thought it would be kinda cool to combine them into a single character, who is totally messed up! Also the part about how they died was true aswell, the civil wars mod for skyrim can lead to some pretty big skirmishes, and both of my characters were killed in huge fights against the thalmor, the forsworn mage was part of a party of forsworn that got attacked by the thalmor, and my archer saw other imperials fighting the aldmeri, ran over to help and got completely overrun by them!

    I was reading your story about the high elf who lived in Summerset isle, working as a double agent for the thalmor, and thought that was really good, like a twist on modern day espionage, it would be quite interesting to hear about some of your other characters aswell!



    Formerly known as Arillious
    These are too good, I'm going to have to do some improving on mine! ;)

    I currently am writing a story on my characters adventure IN Skyrim, I haven't ever thought about a backstory... but let's just wing it: Here we go.

    Name: Arillious Decimus
    Race: Imperial
    Gender: Male

    Arillious was born in Cyrodil, in Bruma. His family name can be traced back to Arilles (my character in Oblivion) who successfully closed the Oblivion gates and was a famous member of the Blades. The one who was given The Amulet of Kings by Emperor Uriel Septim himself, and the one to discover and save the last Septim heir to the throne, Martin Septim. Arilles was a hero to Cyrodil and will be talked about for centuries. Arillious is proud of what his great-great-grandfather has accomplished, and he is very loyal to his race. He always wanted to make a name for himself and add to his families legacy.

    Unfortunately for Arillious, The Blades are no more. When he came of age, he decided to join the Imperial Legion of Cyrodil.

    Arillious was very proud and excited at this. He has been trained as a great fighter by his father, and his grand-father, who have in turn been trained by their father, and the father before him. All the way back to Arilles.

    He was confident in his skills and knew he would make a difference.

    Arillious' first assignment was to go undercover into Skyrim, and to unveil the secrets of the Nord Rebel Army, the Stormcloaks. Arillious was happy of his assignment, he went home, and exchanged his imperial sword and uniform for a regular iron sword and travellers clothes. He set out towards Skyrim.

    During his journey, all he thought about was his family, and all of the things his grand-father accomplished. These thoughts were what fueled his desire to fight for his people and to accomplish things as great as what his grand-father accomplished.

    After many days, he arrived at the border of Skyrim... His assignment was look for Ulfric Stormcloak, the leader of the Nord Rebellion, and ask to join his side. The description of Ulfric Stormcloak seemed to match the person he was staring at as he passed the border of Skyrim.

    "But why is he on the edge of Skyrim?" Arillious thought to himself.

    "He was surrounded by men in Stormcloak uniform... it had to be him."

    Arillious began to follow the small caravan of Stormcloak soldiers... They were walking at a rather fast pace.

    "Sure, I'm an Imperial, but I doubt they would be able to figure me out when I'm wearing such bland clothes."

    They were starting to get a little further away, so Arillious started to lightly jog in order to catch up.

    He could hear strange noises and cracks of twigs breaking in the trees as he was gaining on them. He caught up, but was nearly right behind them. The Rebel soldier in the back of the group heard Arillious, and quickly turned around to investigate.

    Arillious finally realized that his close distance between him and the soldiers was a little decieving. But before the Stormcloak soldier could even question what Arillious was doing, A giant swarm of Imperial soldiers burst out from the trees.

    The Stormcloak soldier that discovered Arillious was the first to go down. An arrow right to the side of the head.

    A small battle broke out, but the Rebels were no match. The Imperials slaughtered most all of the Rebels, I saw them seize Ulfric, and another Rebel soldier that seemed to be his bodyguard.

    Everything went by so fast, until he felt a painful thump on the back of his head. The last thing he saw was his face headed toward the stone road.

    When Arillious woke up... he was in binds, in a carriage. He was with Ulfric Stormcloak, and his Rebel bodyguard.

    This is in fact Chapter 1 of a Fan Fiction I am working on, if you liked it, I encourage you to check out my thread, I finished writing Chapter 2 just 20 minutes ago.

    Here's the link:
    Arillious Decimus Peleus - Biography | Skyrim Forums

    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    Hale Loneshadow. Born and raised in the warm lands of Cyrodill, he became noted for his skill with the blade at a young age. Around the age of 25, he had risen through the ranks to become a Captain in a secret branch of the Imperial Guard which specialized in the "Detriment and Destruction of our Thalmor enemies." Being in the inner circle, only Hale and a select few others in the Empire knew that, while it seemed to all the rest of the outside world, and the Empire in general, that the Emperor was in bed with the Thalmor, that secretly they were gathering a resistance force to cut the throat of Thalmor leadership across Tamriel, eventually gathering enough strength to strike directly at Summerset Isle itself. He and his battle-brothers and sisters of his elite unit were given a particularly important assignment: to cross the border into the frigid lands of Skyrim, make their way to the Thalmor embassy stationed there, and to assassinate the Thalmor elite stationed there. Once they had completed that, they were to forge deeper into Skyrim and wreak havoc upon the Thalmor stronghold of Northwatch Keep, gathering assistance from local Stormcloak and Companion forces along the way. Drogyn, a knight of great repute and strength, was Hale's number two man. He was his best friend, and most trusted ally. The others; Xanthos, Illyria, Sidonus, Julianos, Vox, Titus, Leandra, Brosk, and the Breton, Tilwald. All had fought together on numerous occasions, and were great friends on and off the field.
    The mission had started off well. They ran into a few bandit groups, but nothing they couldn't deal with quickly and efficiently. One dark night, when they were nearing the embassy, Hale, with his keen stormy-grey eyes, knew that he had seem some...thing...in-between the flashes of lighting. Creeping quietly to each of his troops bedside, he knelt and whispered, "Something out there. Possibly Thalmor. Be ready." Each one knew what to do. Casually like nothing had happened, each warrior either slyly fit an arrow to their bowstring, a quarrel to their crossbow, or half-drew their weapon. "Tilwald, take up a position by that outcropping, where they cannot see you. Even High-Elf eyes will have trouble seeing through this blackness and rain," Hale observed. "Aye, I'll be a shadow in the dark, sir," replied Tilwald. However, he had not taken a score of steps out of their little camp when a piercing screech rang out, and the group rose as one, seeing Tilwald turn on his heels and run back towards the camp. Hale saw at once the look of utter dread on the Breton's face as another lighting bolt rang through the sky. "By the Gods..." Drogyn muttered. All of a sudden Tilwald slipped...no, was pulled, to the ground, and dragged away screaming for his very life. "TO ARMS! DEFEND YOURSELVES!" shouted Hale. No sooner had the group arisen than a swarm of beings attacked, beings that appeared to be... "The Divine! NO! VAMPIRES!!!" yelled out Drogyn. "STEEL YOURSELVES! Cut the head off and they will be done for!" exclaimed Hale. The next few minutes were a blur: Through his exchange of swordplay with a number of the beasts, Hale saw Xanthos, Leandra, Brosk, and Vox be cut down and...devoured...in a matter of seconds. "These are no regular vampires, Captain! They are Volk--!" Drogyn started to observe before none other than a Vampire Lord emerged from the shadows, and literally blasted the brave knight apart with some sort of black, arcane spell. Time seemed to slow down for Captain Hale Loneshadow at that point, seeing his greatest friend be blown to bits in front of his very eyes, and having the remains splattered across his armor and face. Acting on reflex, Hale felt a fury rise within him, a fury that rose to a primal bloodlust. Unknowing of what he was doing, or even who or what he was, Hale awoke the animal inside: unbeknownst to him, he was in fact of Lycan birth, and had not yet pulled at those strings that could form the beast within. Still not conscious of his actions, Werewolf-Hale of the Loneshadow Clan tore apart the pale beasts, and ripped open the throat of the Volkihar Vampire Lord that had murdered his friend.
    When the bloodlust cleared, it was the end of night, and beginning of day. Hale awoke to not only the tattered, lifeless corpses of what had once been his best friends, and best warriors he knew, and the remains of the large vampire group that had attacked them, but to also a medley of assorted weaponry shoved in his face, and the smirking grin of a certain Captain Aldis, who had been his chief rival throughout his military service. "It seems you are more than you let on, Hale," said Aldis, not bothering to use Hale's formal title of Captain. "Unfortunately for you, we both know the tolerance level the good General Tullius has for...your kind." Aldis said the last pair of words with a mixture of disgust and absolute pleasure. "Come now, beast. Time to meet your fate." The Captain indicated a caravan of carts, containing multiple prisoners.

    *Opening Scene*

    Hale knew that he had been granted a second chance, for whatever reason the Divines thought necessary. He had found documents within the Helgen keep that had indicated Aldis in his battle-brothers betrayal to the vampire clan. It seemed that there were no limits to Aldis' lust for career advancement...even making deals with soulless vampires. Hale knew that he must make for Riverwood, and see what he could make of this strange, new world...

    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    OCC: Also, I think this would be cool if we could start off a story based on our characters, backstories, etc. Let me know what you think! I'm thinking open story/world involving our characters, no holds barred!


    Queen of Evil
    OCC: Also, I think this would be cool if we could start off a story based on our characters, backstories, etc. Let me know what you think! I'm thinking open story/world involving our characters, no holds barred!
    nice back-story! :D I am going to post my vampire back-story on here because she is my most developed and interesting, the one I posted on here wasn't as well thought through.

    P.S An RP with our character could be a great idea but I'm not sure how easy it would be for me. I am currently in the process of starting up my own RP, everything is planned for it I am just waiting on the rest of the leaders to signal that they are ready. If we did begin an RP someone else would have to lead it because I am part of quite a few RP's and running two and participating in two more would be too much.

    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    Hahah thanks man glad you liked it! And that's fine with me; if it is alright with you guys could i join that RP you were just talking about? If not, I'd be down to think up and lead an RP.


    Queen of Evil
    Hahah thanks man glad you liked it! And that's fine with me; if it is alright with you guys could i join that RP you were just talking about? If not, I'd be down to think up and lead an RP.
    I'm sure you could. The way the RP I'm starting is working is that it will have 3 leaders. I officially set up the group but we will all be equal leaders in the group. (It just makes things easier if there are three people to help the RP out if one or two of the leaders can't get online)

    At the moment we are just waiting for one of the leaders to return from travelling before we will put up the recruiting thread. You can post your character up there but I can't guarantee a place. All the leaders have people that they want to join but we will still try to evaluate anyone else who wants to join (if anyone else want to join) :D:D

    Anyway, if you have any other questions send me a private message because I don't want to clutter up this RP with stuff that isn't relevant.

    I think it would be good for you to start up an RP, especially if you haven't done it before. ;) I would join. :D
    I might be interested in an RP actually. it's been a while since i've been able to get on here so i understand if you don't want me to for lack of consistence in the past. But I am interested. I saw mention of vampires somewhere, i think an RP involving a clan of vampires would be awesome. But not necessarily evil vampires. idk, just a thought.

    good to be back by the way


    Queen of Evil
    I might be interested in an RP actually. it's been a while since i've been able to get on here so i understand if you don't want me to for lack of consistence in the past. But I am interested. I saw mention of vampires somewhere, i think an RP involving a clan of vampires would be awesome. But not necessarily evil vampires. idk, just a thought.

    good to be back by the way
    No, it's got no evil vampire clans. Like I said to the other person, post you character card up on our recruiting thread when it is up and see where it goes. :D we have to treat everyone equally.


    Orc Mage
    Thanks a lot Minstrel, the parents in the story were actually previous characters that i've played as, a forsworn mage and an archer in the imperial army. I just thought it would be kinda cool to combine them into a single character, who is totally messed up! Also the part about how they died was true aswell, the civil wars mod for skyrim can lead to some pretty big skirmishes, and both of my characters were killed in huge fights against the thalmor, the forsworn mage was part of a party of forsworn that got attacked by the thalmor, and my archer saw other imperials fighting the aldmeri, ran over to help and got completely overrun by them!

    I was reading your story about the high elf who lived in Summerset isle, working as a double agent for the thalmor, and thought that was really good, like a twist on modern day espionage, it would be quite interesting to hear about some of your other characters aswell!

    I do the same i have two orc brothers on my Skyrim Saves :)


    Swain the Man-Child
    Half Nord, Half Redguard

    Swain's mother, a Nord from Falkreath, had been convinced by Swain's father to leave with him for Hammerfell, under the pretense that they would be married. The couple set off on their journey, deeply in love with one another, searching for a place to call home. All was well for six months. When she told the man that she was with child, he revealed the shady details of his life to the woman, revealing that he was already married, and had a family to provide for already. Gisla and her unborn son were left to die in a strange land. Swain was born on a warm night in the city of Sentinel, his mother dying after giving birth.

    From the moment of his birth, Swain was moved from orphanage to orphanage, wondering why his parents hadn't wanted him. He tried his hardest to be like the other kids. He ran and jumped and skipped with the best of them, but to no avail. Finally, after years of trying, Swain succeeded in getting adopted. He and his new family set off for their home in Markarth, but small luxuries, such as family and love, were not in the cards for Swain. At the tender age of eight, Swain witnessed the murder of his adoptive parents as they crossed the border into Skyrim. He watched in horror as the bandits abused his mother, verbally and sexually. He watched as they skinned his father.

    He was then taken by the bandits to later be sold to the highest bidder. Luckily enough, the bandits did not live long enough to find such a bidder. A year after his abduction, when he was nine, Swain stood witness as a nord named Beau brutally murdered the bandits, stripping them of all of their possessions. Swain wanted nothing more than to accompany his savior in his travels, but the Nord would hear nothing of it. Beau promptly escorted Swain to the Honorhall Orphanage in the Rift.

    This orphanage wasn’t even vaguely similar to the orphanages of Hammerfell. While in Hammerfell, the caretakers neglected the orphans unintentionally, this Grelod the Kind seemed to hate the children. She often beat them, and they never saw any prospects or potential parents.

    Eventually, Swain decided that he had had enough. Seven years after having arrived at Honorhall, he had finally decided to leave. He was sixteen, and while he was far older than most other orphans, Grelod had continued to keep him locked up in the orphanage with the others. In the dark of the night, he snuck out of the orphanage, and the Rift, heading north, away from Grelod, and hopefully, toward a new, bright future.

    The Redguard eventually made his way to a desolate city called Winterhold. At the far end of the city was a rather large building that resembled a castle. As he navigated through the small, barren city, he learned that the castle was in fact a college of magic. Swain had never seen or even heard of magic before arriving in Winterhold, and for him to be so close to an institution dedicated to teaching it was reason enough for him to investigate. He scurried up to the college, where he found his new home. The rest is history.