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    Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
    I have tried this once... It didn't go so badly... Let's see if I can do something similar again or if I simply create a forgotten ghost thread.

    Only addicts or careless gamblers enter or even near Cragslane Cavern, which usually makes the bouncer's job minimal. Without many guards around, fans of skooma, lawless brawls and fights between pitwolves are free to do what they please, as long as they do not disturb any other potencial costumer. Inside his study, a dunmer by the nickname of Butcher crafts moonsugar and skooma to export mostly to Riften, but also to sell to his customers while they bet on their beloved beasts. Those who have found out what the Redwater Skooma actually is made of would prefer this location to relax and stay further from death. At least as far as possible from death as addicts. The accessible room in the cave consists of a large arena, with light bursting through a natural hole in the ceiling, a bar with most cheap or illegally fetched drinks at display and lastly, tables around the wooden barrier that bear marks of both septims and daggers clashed against them after many bets in dog fights or bloody games of Five Finger Fillet.

    Okay, this is an inn for your Vida Loka guy/gal. The common rules apply here... oh I'll just put what I'll put...
    1) No being a god, nor a ridiculously strong person, remember your character will have most likely tried skooma, think of that before epicly winning a fistfight without even getting tired.
    2) No killing ANYONE. This place might be infested with scoundrels, but killing a person triggers a WW3 in this bar as well. Killing another person's character is more than forbidden.
    3) Please keep it somewhat clean. Feel free to get your char drunk and sassy, but avoid mostly sexual issues.
    4) One liners are welcome IF there are only two people writing, or if it is a chat situation, but otherwise, avoid it. It's like a big loss of momentum, at least for me...
    5) Grammar please, from God to Daedra to Bill Gates to Steve Jobs back from his grave, whoever created your writing device inserted a keyboard there for a reason.
    6) Coloring your text is encouraged.
    7) Feel free to put two characters if you can handle them
    8) You are allowed to have another writer's character as your char's friend, if you both plan it previously
    I would have written Have Fun to be a rule... But why else'd you be here? Well... fine...
    9) Have Fun!


    Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
    Inside the deep dark cave, whose bouncer had just fallen asleep, a small roar composed of mixed voices was slowly forming, and increasing. Two wolves, recently captured, battled angrily, going for the paws and throat of the opponent, mostly. Rjok was spotted between two nords, whose names weren't even told to him, betting on the beast with the lighter grey fur against the one at his right. Their purses full of septims were on the counter, awaiting for the big winner to claim his prize. Rjok's faithful canine champion appeared to be fearless, and striked his enemy angrily taking little breaks to rest and give some time to the defense as well. After a failed jump to the throat, the other younger wolf countered and finished the orc's bet. "Pay up, Orc!" Rjok angrily hit the table with his steeled right fist and drunk another small bottle of the liquid art the Butcher managed to create, as the smilling already drunk insolent took another whole bunch of septims that once belonged to him into his pocket. "Damn it! Stupid weakling wolf!" He still had some spare golden coins after clearing a giant camp with other bandits, letting them take the mammoth meat and tusks, while he had his share with the bounty and the peace offerings from the farmers turned into profit with the right hired trader. And people said he was dumb... With a few spare dozens of minutes, Rjok began landing his eyes on the many drunkards and addicts in the bar, inspecting faces and personalities.


    Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
    ((I thought this was dead long ago, but sure, you are welcome :)))


    Alana the Argonian
    ((I find that threads never really die unless they're locked or archived. Tell me, what times are you often online?

    Here's who I'm playing with: Character Profiles))

    At the entrance to Cragslane Cavern, a hooded figure stood to the side. They watched the fight between the wolves silently.
    "Pay up, Orc!"
    The figure lumbered into the cavern, and the lighting revealed their face; a female Dunmer with a down-turned mouth. Her nostrils flared in disgust as she walked by, and she scanned the room. She intended to sell the small bottles of skooma she found along her journey across Skyrim.


    Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
    (I guess this might be the only time of the day when we meet up. Rjok is my character here. Trying to develop his personality and all)

    Rjok's large fingers curled around another tiny bottle of skooma and he consumed it as quickly as he could, taking a deep hard breath afterwards. "Bettin' ten septims on the..." The leather bag slightly filled with septims dangled in his hand while he waited for the two wolves to be strolled around the arena so that bets could be placed. One was an alpha wolf, brown and beige, while the other was white, yet didn't have the pointy ears and bigger paws of an ice wolf. Rjok was used to bet on that one, and it hadn't let him down so far. "The second! The white one!" "Malacath, if you are hearin' me, this dog better win!" He lacked a lot of skill in prayer, but he didn't lay many hopes on it anyway. "Another bottle of skooma! NOW!" Why saying please? He was there to enjoy himself, and spend money, he would have no discounts for politeness. He leaned forward, awaiting for the fight to begin.


    Alana the Argonian
    ((Ohohoho ... I have a feeling that Rjok and Kilayox will be ramming horns soon, seeing as your character hate mages XD
    No matter. One post a day from each of us will satisfy me. What does Rjok sound like? Kilayox sounds a lot like Irileth, but slightly scratchier.))

    Silently, Kilayox's head turned to scrutinize Rjok. It was pretty easy to hide in this din, in the shadows. Seeing that the Orc downed a little bottle of skooma and bet on a wolf fight, she clutched her satchel and slowly walked over to Rjok, having formed an idea for amusement while getting rid of the narcotics she carried. It was unpleasant for one as morally high-up as she was to come to such a place, but she needed to make some profit to put food on the table. Besides ... why not have some fun while doing your dirty work?

    "You there ... Orc," she said in her usual calm, deep voice, eying him with her good eye. "I have a proposition for you."


    Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
    (Rjok is very similar to Mogrul when he speaks angrily, which is most of the time)
    While awaiting for the beasts to be unleashed and allowed to gut each other, Rjok was confronted by a hooded figure. It took no genius to know she was a dunmer, which already angered him. Yet she wished to strike a kind of bargain. "Whatcha want?! This better be good." The Butcher opened the first gate slowly and let the brown wolf greet the gamblers before the battle. Rjok toughened his jaws in a strong hatred for the animal. If it lived, he lost his money. Before the other wolf was allowed to come in the arena again, the orc turned to the dunmer and awaited her proposition.


    Alana the Argonian
    ((She's going to conjure an ethereal wolf to fight the other wolves. Is that ok?))

    "After this battle, I'll pit my own wolf against the wolf of your choice," said Kilayox. "If yours wins, I'll give you all my bottles of skooma. If it loses, I'll still give you the skooma, but you have to give me some gold for it. Do we have a deal?"

    A small, mischievous grin tugged the corners of her thin mouth. Not only would this help her practice her conjuration skills, but it would be a win-win for both her and the orc. To prove she wasn't setting him up, Kilayox pulled out a small skooma bottle from her satchel and made sure he saw it before stuffing it back in.


    Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
    (It is. No problem)
    Rjok shook his head in disapproval. "Blergh... Another conjurer..." He was about to turn his eyes back to the fight, which he had already won without even noticing. The call of skooma appealed him though, and a chance to win it freely couldn't simply be turned out. "First of all, that ain't my wolf. I only bet. Second, I hope that isn't no leaf skooma pl*ps you got there. Real shame if that's going to waste. I won't mind buying it from you, but a chance for a chug for free... I will take it!" Rjok grabbed the purses that were dropped in front of him thanks to the wolf's victory and spoiled himself counting the money through its weight. He gave a disdainful look to the dunmer and dropped a half filled bottle of skooma in the pit so that the wolf could drink it. He couldn't look at it or else it would look suspicious, so he just hoped the drug was consumed and made the beast angrier and stronger.


    Alana the Argonian
    Kilayox narrowed her eyes, and the frown lines in her face became more prominent. "I looted it from a destroyed Khajiit Caravan, so I assume it's made from moon sugar," she said. She knew the hatred of her kind was alive and well, but this prejudice coming from the orc was different to her. It stung more.

    Without noticing Rjok tossing a skooma bottle into the pit, Kilayox got as close as possible it. She glanced back at him with a curled lip, the Dunmer woman held out her hand to form a summoning spell. It swirled and danced, and she cast it near the wolves.

    A ghostly wolf emerged from the magika surrounding it, and it snarled, ready to attack the nearest wolf.


    Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
    (Sorry, school started, time was shortened)

    The wolves attacked each other in a free for all battle, using teeth and nails to tear the enemy's skin and flesh. Rjok closed his left eye and peeked inside one bottle of skooma that wasn't still horizontally on the table. There were still a few drops inside, quickly chugged by the orc. Still suspicious about the elf who wanted to give him the narcotic. "Dunno why anyone, EVEN an elf, would wanna get rid of skooma..."


    Alana the Argonian
    (It's ok. Offline life should always come first :) )

    "I have no use for it," said Kilayox, watching the fight intently. "All my hard work of studying the arcane arts would go down the drain with just one drop of that vile liquid. But then, judging by the look you're giving me, you don't care much for magic, now do you?"

    Kilayox's summoned wolf was losing. It howled in pain and then exploded into dust as the other wolf tackled it for the final time. The live wolf sneezed and walked away from the pile, confused.


    Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
    Rjok grinned once his wolf walked back to its cage, confused, even though it sneezed some dust against his eyelids. He swept the dust off, with absolutely no remorse for the possibility of having cheated to win. "Ha! Lemme give it a taste!" He pressed his fingers against the table, and drummed it savagely in reaction to the excitement of strengthening his addiction.

    "Have you ever tried using steel to win your battles?" He knew the dunmer possibly had skill in magic, possibly enough to have bested his wolf, and would have better things to do than paying attention to his words, but Rjok wasn't ashamed of trying to get an elf into decent fighting once in a while.


    Alana the Argonian
    Kilayox set her skooma bottles on the table near Rjok, relieved to get rid of the offensive drug.

    "Steel? If you mean weapons, then yes, sometimes. I usually use this if my magic is waning," she said, pointing to the steel dagger on her left side. "But other than that, no. I haven't won any battles by my dagger alone."


    Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
    It was unbelievably annoying to find someone who didn't think exactly like Rjok. "I mean powerful steel! Maces, clubs, axes, swords! Things that can cause real damage!" He stood up with the excitement a battle stirred in him and knocked his stool down. What he wished then would be something to drive his fists against. Too bad the wolves were only meant for bets. Rjok angrily sighed and sat back down, skulking the skooma from one of his new bottles, and then remembered, surpriisingly, that the elf was still listening to him. "Heck I'm so tolerant I even call archery fighting..."


    Alana the Argonian
    While he knocked his stool down, Kilayox flinched. Though Kilayox wasn't any more open minded than Rjok, she did know that fighting with a dagger was ... kind of silly. But for the most part, she only had to use it every few battles, and she usually used it to finish someone off.

    "Admittedly I've never used what you call 'powerful steel', as most of the time I didn't need it. Using magic to win your battles may not be 'real' to you, but it is a different way of battling. It's like using exclusively your wits to turn the situation to your favour."

    Kilayox paused for a moment. "Buuuut ... I do believe we can teach each other valuable things. If you're inclined, I could use some training. I'm quite sure eventually my magic won't be there to help me one of these days, not even if I use a bound sword. Teach me and I shall pay you, and in skooma if you prefer."

    Kilayox tentatively held out her hand, intending to seal this new deal with a handshake.


    Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
    (I don't mean to be a jerk. This is just Rjok)
    So the dunmer wanted him to both help her getting rid of magic and pick up steel, as well as getting paid in skooma for doing that? Rjok smirked until she held out her hand. It was the first time he would ever shake hands with an elf, other than arm wrestling with some wimps that believed themselves as master hunters when they were nothing but weaklings that used what looked like a musical instrument to throw sharp pencils, or arrows with "courage". He hesitated for a while but then bluntly shook her hand, weakening his grip after the first second, thinking of the possibility of hurting/breaking her hand. She was after all, a mage. "And what is the name of my apprentice?" He hadn't stood up yet, still catching his breath after a long round of heavy inhaling of pure moon sugar narcotics, and wished her to tell her name first. Even though that was his wish, she had given him some skooma, and for Rjok that was saying something, so he wouldn't mind saying his name first without conflict. In any case, he awaited her answer.


    Alana the Argonian
    ((Are you kidding? Rjok sounds a lot more fun to be around than some of the idiots I've seen in real life! XD))

    "I'm Kilayox," said the Dunmer, jumping at Rjok's grip. There was no way she could match it. What a grip! Imagine how unstoppable you'd be if you used Restoration magic, too, she thought.
    "And what is your name?" she asked.


    Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
    "Rjok Gur-... Gar... Du... Ki... Bah, I was never able to write or say my last name so call me just Rjok..." This time he stood up and looked straight into her eyes, finally noticing her blindness. Rjok was slightly curious about any wound that adorned someone's skin, believing scars were the best story tellers a person could have. "What weapon do you wish to deadly up?" He was okay with most weapons, although hammers and maces were his favorite damage dealers, able to crush bones, wood and perhaps steel with the right strength.