OOC Way of the Moon [Looking for members]

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    See no evil, speak no evil
    Being a werewolf never brings about anything more than the same chaos those who fall prey to the beast sew. Tales of death and destruction follow them everywhere and give birth to legends of disgusting beasts with row upon row of teeth and a maw that opens to engulf all that pass by. It is a vicious life, hiding what some view as a gift because others see it as a curse.

    A lone wolf in the harsh land of Skyrim, constantly looking over his shoulder for those possibly on his tail, has just landed himself right into the path of the Silver Hand. The beast knows that fighting it the only real way to live and die as a true wolf must but the rational mind has other ideas. No help will come and yet, he feels help is not needed when he is more than used to being alone. A lone wolf lives with none and dies with none, that has been his moto since he was young.

    Which was why he never once expected to have a couple of people barge into the fort he was being held in and free him after realizing his mind was far from feral. There was nowhere to go, nobody waiting for him, and these people had helped him. His beast was struck by how odd that was, these wolves helping a loner, but had whined to follow nonetheless. What else could he do but obey?

    And start his newest adventure....

    I realize it seems as if it will focus solely on one character, much like a story would, but I wanted to have a chance to get this idea out. It's been bugging me for a long time, what if a character hadn't lost his/her mind to the beast while captured by the Silver Hand? What if The Companions somehow found this person and let them out? How would they make a name for themselves as a Companion and werewolf? Teaching pack life to a lone wolf, or even teaching the importance of pack to the Companions.

    • No god-modding
    • The actual role-play itself will contain mature themes so it will be marked appropriately. However, I ask that you alert everyone to any plans to include content they may not be ready for.
    • While in-character there will be small allowances in regard to racial slurs - because Skyrim has plenty of racism - but I don't want OOC talk of that manner.
    • Have fun~!
    • Companion (optional werewolf) || OneCannotSimply - Adrien Steelhearth
    • Companion (optional werewolf) || Sun&Moon - Dravasa Dareleth
    • Other || Valin Oakthorn - Valin Oakthorn
    I would like to have at least one other werewolf character as well, including one that doesn't have to be a Companion.


    Active Member
    A fine idea indeed. I'll cook on up a character for this, but not for a few hours as it's midnight here, hope it's alright.

    Valin Oakthorn

    Vagabond Extraordinaire
    Valin Oakthorn
    The Ranger on the Rooftops

    (Image does not belong to me.)
    » NAME Valin Oakthorn
    » ALIAS Ranger on the Rooftops
    » AGE 75 (looks 29)
    » RACE Bosmer
    » BIRTH DATE 5th of midyear
    » BIRTH PLACE Eldenroot, Valenwood
    » BIRTH SIGN The steed
    » CLASS Ranger
    » GENDER Male
    » HEIGHT 5"11
    » WEIGHT 145 lbs
    » BUILD well build for a bosmer
    » LATERALITY Right-handed
    » SEXUALITY Straight
    » PROPERTIES A werewolf den in valenwood
    » AFFILIATION The Tall Trees Wolfpack
    » AFFLICTIONS Lycanthropy
    » RELIGION Daedra
    » PATRON DEITY Hircine
    » HABITS N/A
    » HOBBIES Hunting

    » POSITIVE TRAITS Loyal, trustworthy, reliable, a good friend
    » NEGATIVE TRAITS Short tempered/Hot headed, Does not trust easily
    » LIKES Hunting, wolves, his bow, fellow werewolves, thalmor
    » DISLIKES Guards, Crowds, Talos worshipers
    » FEARS Hircine forsaking him
    » ASPIRATIONS Hunt, Pray, Survive

    » HAIR LENGTH Medium-Long
    » HAIR COLOR Midnight Black
    » FACIAL HAIR Medium-Short Goatee
    » FACIAL HAIR COLOR Midnight Black
    » EYE COLOR Emerald Green
    » SKIN COLOR Tan
    » SCARS Werewolf claw mark under left eye
    » ATTIRE His Ranger tunic, made mostly of leather with black werewolf fur trim. A hood with a face mask, and many pouches.

    » Archery»Acrobatics/Free Running
    » Sneak
    » One handed»Light Armor
    » Alchemy
    » Illusion
    » Restoration
    » Everything else
    » Arcus Mille Lupis, crafted from and ancient tree in vallenwood.

    »Gladius Mille Lupis

    Valin's parents split up before he was born, he grew up with his mother since he had more bosmeri traits than altmeri. One day his village was burned down, so he traveled to skyrim, where he now lives. (I left it small so that he would have development during the roleplays.)


    I was typing my CC, but then internet explorer "stopped working", so I'm going to type another one. :mad: :pinkdragon: I'm VERY mad.


    This is my first ever CC, and if I'm accepted it will be my first ever RP. So here it goes......


    Name: Adrien Steelhearth
    Race: Nord ( Also a werewolf)
    Age: 24
    Birth Date: 31st Of Evening Star
    Birth Stone: The Lover Stone
    Gender: Male
    Profession: Vampire Hunter
    Height: 6'7
    Weight: 212 lbs.
    Build: Muscular
    Martial Status: Happily married to Camilla Valerius
    Home: Proudspire Manor in Solitude
    Birthplace: Solitude, Skyrim
    Affiliations: The Dawnguard, and the Companions.
    Religion: The 9 Divines
    Hobbies: Hunting, spending time with his wife, dueling, practicing with his crossbow/bow, and teaching kids the basics of combat.
    Good traits: Kind, caring, loyal, trustworthy, and very humorous.
    Bad Traits: Hotheaded, but has learned to control his temper over time.
    Likes: The 9 Divines, hunting, his wife, family, Imperials,archery, swordsmanship.
    Dislikes: Thalmor, and stormcloaks.
    Fears: Losing family.
    Hair Color/Facial Hair Color: Dark brown, almost black.
    Skin Color: Not pale, but not tan.
    Eye Color: Turquoise
    Scars: Two scars on his arm from a vampire scratching him
    Attire: As far as armor goes, he wears brownish heavy Dawnguard Armor with a helmet that covers his whole face, made from the finest steel in all of Skyrim. His town clothes include a silk blue robe with a yellow and green trim,and a white shirt with a leather belt. There is werewolf fur on the back of the robe.
    Master: Archery, One-Handed, Blocking, Heavy Armor, Alteration, Restoration, Smithing.
    Expert: Two-Handed, Light Armor
    Adept: Sneak, Enchanting
    Novice: Speech, Pickpocket, Lockpicking, Alchemy
    Dawnbreaker Sword, which he got from Meridia, a Daedric " princess".
    His Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow
    And His Dawnguard shield
    Adrien grew up with his family in Solitude. He had one sister named Breanna( I'll make a CC for her later). His father who was a blacksmith at the time taught him all the skills he knows today. Adrien even got to meet the emperor when he was 7. His father always told him that the empire protects them, and that always made him feel safe while inside the walls of Solitude. He is a worshiper of Talos, and the other eight divines. Worshiping Talos has gotten him into some pretty hairy situations with the Thalmor. ( I'll add more later, and improve it if its needed)


    • skyrim_dawnbreaker_by_zamielxd4wrus0.jpeg
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    Valin Oakthorn

    Vagabond Extraordinaire
    This is my first ever CC, and if I'm accepted it will be my first ever RP. So here it goes......


    Name: Adrien Steelhearth
    Race: Nord ( Also a werewolf)
    Age: 24
    Birth Date: 31st Of Evening Star
    Birth Stone: The Lover Stone
    Gender: Male
    Profession: Vampire Hunter ( Also hunts other things such as daedra)
    Height: 6'7
    Weight: 212 lbs.
    Build: Muscular
    Martial Status: Happily married to Camilla Valerius
    Home: Proudspire Manor in Solitude
    Birthplace: Solitude, Skyrim
    Affiliations: The Dawnguard, and the Companions.
    Religion: The 9 Divines
    Hobbies: Hunting, spending time with his wife, dueling, practicing with his crossbow/bow, and teaching kids the basics of combat.


    Good traits: Kind, caring, loyal, trustworthy, and very humorous.
    Bad Traits: Hotheaded, but has learned to control his temper over time.
    Likes: The 9 Divines, hunting, his wife, family, Imperials,archery, swordsmanship.
    Dislikes: Thalmor, and stormcloaks.
    Fears: Losing family.


    Hair Color/Facial Hair Color: Dark brown, almost black.
    Skin Color: Not pale, but not tan.
    Eye Color: Turquoise
    Scars: Two scars on his arm from a vampire scratching him
    Attire: As far as armor goes, he wears brownish heavy Dawnguard Armor with a helmet that covers his whole face, made from the finest steel in all of Skyrim. His town clothes include a silk blue robe with a yellow and green trim,and a white shirt with a leather belt. There is werewolf fur on the back of the robe.


    Master: Archery, One-Handed, Blocking, Heavy Armor, Alteration, Restoration, Smithing.
    Expert: Destruction, Conjuration, Illusion, Two-Handed, Light Armor, Alchemy, Enchanting, Speech.
    Adept: Pickpocket, Sneak, Speech, Lock-Picking.


    Dawnbreaker Sword, which he got from Meridia, a Daedric " princess".

    His Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow

    And His Dawnguard shield


    Adrien grew up with his family in Solitude. He had one sister named Breanna( I'll make a CC for her later). His father who was a blacksmith at the time taught him all the skills he knows today. Adrien even got to meet the emperor when he was 7. His father always told him that the empire protects them, and that always made him feel safe while inside the walls of Solitude. He is a worshiper of Talos, and the other eight divines. Worshiping Talos has gotten him into some pretty hairy situations with the Thalmor. ( I'll add more later, and improve it if its needed)
    Not bad, there are a few flaws with the fact that he hunts daedra but wields a daedric artifact, and in the future try to lower a few skills, trust me, it can be more fun playing someone with a master skill and ten novice skills than ten master skills and a novice skill.


    Ok lets say he doesn't hunt daedra but only vampires, and I'll fix the skills lol.


    I kind of tweaked the skills a little bit, tell me it if needs more tweaking.


    Valin, your CC look awesome. ;) :Dragonborn:


    Active Member
    Glob-dang it, I got busy with RL stuff that I forgot about this. Sorry, I'm gonna make one at this moment.


    See no evil, speak no evil
    I forgot to ask, but could everyone tell me what color they plan on using for their character's dialogue? Please note that I have rather sensitive eyes so please try to stay away from bold or glaringly bright and offensive colors.

    Also, this will contain mature themes so if your uncomfortable with violence then I suggest telling everyone. Sexual encounters are allowed but make sure to tell everyone if you plan on having anything of that nature and how in-depth your going to go.

    If anyone wants to have special twists in plot, or they would like to have quests in pairs with another character, also let everyone know. This is the chance to develop characters, have them go on quests, and act like they're alive.

    Think that covers everything I wanted to say for now. This will be my dialogue text color.


    Active Member
    Gonna (sort of) pattern this to your card format, if you don't mind.

    Name: Astell Geirheart
    Age: 37
    Gender: Male
    Race: Nord

    Religion: Believes in the Nine Divines to an extent
    Current Residence: Whiterun
    Affliction: Lycanthropy
    Affiliation: Companions

    Appearance: Stands strong at 6'11" complemented by the frame of his body, having a fine balance on his physicality with him not being overly buff. Long, platinum blonde hair reaching to his shoulders, sometimes looking ragged. His face contradicting his overall feel of being a savage; his eyes of crystal blue looking soft, a warm smile forming across his mouth, and sharp mold of his face looks like that of a noble gentleman.

    Major Feats: Two-handed Martial Weapons (Expert); Heavy Armor Handling (Adept)
    Minor Feats: Unarmed Combat (Apprentice)

    Skills: Weapon Crafting; Weapon Enchanting; Survival

    • Skyforge Steel Halberd of Ice - "Frysa"
    • Skyforge Steel Dagger

    • Wolf Armor set

    Personality: Despite his image of a barbarian, Astell holds a gentle heart within himself and finds inner peace in marveling nature. He has a huge respect for animals living in the wilderness, mirroring his lifestyle and general outlook to theirs; free spirited, receives and gives kindness well, and takes offense when people disrespect him.

    (Note: I don't usually write up history bits for my character and yep here's my color)


    See no evil, speak no evil
    A detailed history isn't needed here, not for view of others. So long as you know his history it's fine.

    And with that, this is closed. No longer recruiting here.